Hey ProductHunt!
We've just launched our chat bot for Google Hangouts Chat. We're actually super excited about this because we've been using the Hangouts Chat product for several months now and think its great. The Streak CRM + Chat is awesome for keeping your team up to date on changes.
As we started using Chat we saw that a lot of our internal email conversations were moving to Chat. Here at Streak we obviously use Streak to keep track of our sales leads and we'd be discussing them in Chat. So we made this integration that lets you add any Hangouts Chat thread to any Streak box. You can then jump back and forth between either really easily. This is great when looking back on what happened to a deal in Streak - we'll show you a link back to chat where you had previous discussions on it.
We're also supporting notifications out of the box - so you can add a notification to any room when a deal closes for example. Or when a call log is entered. Or when... well its pretty flexible, just mention @Streak in any Chat room and the bot can walk you through it.
If you're a Streak user, we highly recommend the bot and if you aren't a Streak user, now is a great time to give it a shot!