Andrew Jiang

Streak - Once-a-day trivia contests on your iOS lock screen

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Ryan Hoover
Very clever. This has a similar mechanic to @alexyoungkwon's OneMinute, where everyone receives a push notification to take action at the same time, once a day.
Andrew Jiang
@alexyoungkwon @rrhoover the games get pretty competitive. Not needing to go beyond the lock screen makes it easy to play while doing something else.
Max Child
@alexyoungkwon @rrhoover Thanks Ryan! Yeah we saw OneMinute a week ago and were excited that other people were playing with the "appointment app" idea—we think enabling everyone to participate in something at once is one of the coolest things we can do on smartphones. Goal is to become Jeopardy for the people.
Max Child
@alexyoungkwon @rrhoover @andrewjiang I can personally verify that Andrew has won at least one game. It's getting more competitive though...
@rrhoover @andrewjiang @mlchild Downloading. I'm a ginormous fan of super simple products. Way too many apps now days, so things need to get more action-able on the lockscreen. I believe that lockscreen is the new homescreen.
Max Child
What's up Product Hunt! One of the makers of Streak here. In case our catchy one-line tagline doesn't quite make sense to you, it's a trivia game with two unique features: —You can play the entire game from your phone’s lock screen. —There’s only one game each day, at 11PT/2ET, and everyone plays at once. Basically, you're trying to get as many true or false questions right in a row as possible (go streaking!), and everyone is getting the same questions and competing at once. We'd love as many Hunters as possible to play at 11PT/2ET today, but assuming some of you have the same relaxed sleep schedule that we usually do, we're adding special PH games tomorrow and Sunday! It's usually on weekdays only so you can get "educated" at work. Would love to hear what you think! We wrote a short post explaining some more details/thinking here (, plus you can see a product demo video.
Ryan Hoover
What type of questions do you ask, @mlchild? Maybe you could do something Product Hunt related today/tomorrow? 😉
Max Child
@rrhoover It's Jeopardy-style general knowledge today, but this weekend we could slide something in...quizmaster @jameswilsterman will have to weigh in
James Wilsterman
@rrhoover @mlchild We could do a product hunt special quiz on Sunday for sure!
James Wilsterman
Thanks for the amazing support everyone! In honor of the occasion we've decided to take @rrhoover up on his idea and we've created a special Product Hunt themed game for tonight at 6:30PM PT / 9:30PM ET. If you have Streak you will get a push notification at gametime. Swipe left to join!
James Wilsterman
Hey everyone - Watch this demo video to get an idea for how Streak works on your lock screen!
Let us know what you think!
James Wilsterman
Today's game is starting in 10 minutes! Give it a shot and then let us know your feedback after!
Max Child
And, as a last piece of info, if anyone wants some insight into the under-the-hood tech details of making a lock-screen-only iPhone app, we did a write-up here: I found these kind of random blog posts super useful when programming Streak, so hopefully someone out there will find something interesting in here.