Frank Denbow

Snack - Read all your favorite email subscriptions in one app

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Ben Tossell
I've said it before... I don't like when you have to enter your number to download the app. Downloading an app already has its friction points, why add another one just to get more data - data is valuable, but at the cost of acquiring new users?
Danny Espinoza
@bentossell That's a feature of to make it easy for desktop users to get a download link. It's reducing friction right?
Chris Carella
@dannyjespinoza @bentossell yeah, that technique is about reducing friction. The data isn't all that useful tbh. If you get a phone number but no activation you can't do anything with it. However in this case where the phone number is the ONLY way to get the download that does add some friction, especially from those who treat their phone number as sacred. An App Store button and a phone number option is probably best.
Ben Tossell
@dannyjespinoza both options should be present... I want to check out the app on desktop before handing over prime real estate (my phone number)...
Nick Frost
@bentossell there are tons of app websites that do this because some people may not want to search the App Store for the app or maybe it's an app that when you search for it there are any other options. I think it reduces friction. You can simply use the PH app to open the website link on the PH profile and you'll only see a "Get the app" button that takes you to the App Store.
Ben Tossell
@thinker yeah I get that.. No reason to not have both options though... Im on desktop and want to check it out on web - but cant.
Jon Li
Hi - I'm one of the creators of Snack (formerly product @vevo). Thank you for the feedback and support. We really appreciate it. We're standing by to help answer questions about the product or team. Ultimately, I think email doesn’t have to be boring. Or, as one of our early testers said, "Jon, email can be smart and pretty." This is just the beginning of our journey about how we approach helping people stay connected with the things and the people they love. If you want to learn more, leave a comment or you can message me via LinkedIn @
Again another app not available in the UK store.
Jon Li
@lbrkr sorry about that. Happy to personally send you the build and keep you posted on the new stuff we're doing.
@jondotli I'm sorry,it wasn't meant personally it was a general comment about product hunt. I think a labelling system notifying hunters of where hunts are available would be beneficial. Thank you for the offer
Jon Li
@lbrkr not problem. Makes sense. We chose not to release it globally because honestly, 1) would be harder to target put marketing; 2) we didn't localize; 3) Je ne sais pas?
Reinald Freling
This is an interesting concept and I can see plenty of companies dying to see this app succeed (more eyeballs to target ads/content at). I'm still unsure whether people would actually download an email app dedicated to reading newsletters. It's a tough sell. But I can see the tech/company being acquired very soon ;)
Jon Li
@rfreling thanks for the feedback and support. I consider this a proof of concept about how to get media and have fun with it.
Tobia De Angelis
I subscribe to tons of newsletters but have a hard time reading them. This seems a much better way.
Jon Li
@tobdea - thanks for your thoughts. Just trying to make reading fast and fun.
Patrick de Hahn
Jon Li
@patrickdehahn sorry, no android. my skillset is in iOS. it's counterintuitive even though Snack depends on Gmail auth.
Jason Berland
Mazel tov @jondotli Product looks awesome and excited to try it out
Jon Li
@jasonsberland thank you. Give it a shot