Ben Rubin

Overnight - Book a last-minute stay with local hosts

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Ben Rubin
This is a cool take on last minute, on demand bookings. very well thought for mobile, kinda uber for couch-surfing :) i dig it, especially b/c all the big companies in the space were never mobile first. congrats @asherhunt!
Asher Hunt
@benrbn Thanks man. Very excited to be solving the problem of last-minute stays. Our goal is very simple - we want more people to travel more frequently. We believe that if we can surface alternative accommodations faster, then we’re on our way there … If we can get someone who travels twice a year to travel four times a year, we’re doing something very special.
Drew Meyers
@asherhunt @benrbn "Our goal is very simple - we want more people to travel more frequently." I am 100% with you on that sentiment. We have the same long term mission with @gethorizonapp I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on host incentives, as well as traveler fallback options. Do hosts get a premium for being more accommodating last minute? What happens if a traveler arrives in a city expecting to be able to find a last minute host and can't? Hoteltonight? It seems many are going to be terrified of arriving in a new city and have even a slight risk of not being accommodated.
Robi Gyorky
@asherhunt your product looks pretty awesome! Would complement ours pretty nicely ;) We're focused on spontaneous travel from a flights perspective!
Guy Gal
I used this last week when I was in LA and I LOVED the experience. My favorite part is that the hosts solicit you, not the other way around... really streamlines the discovery experience and makes it easy to find a place quickly.
Mike Williams (Yoroomie)
@guygal I second this! Such a good idea to reverse this and not spend so much time as a traveler making booking requests, then potentially waiting 24 hours to hear back.
Tyler Swartz
Excited to see how this app does. One of the challenges of the peer-to-peer rental space is that home owners don't update their availability calendars regularly which leads to a lot of fruitless searching. This is shifting as more companies move their owners away from Inquiries to Book Instantly.
Asher Hunt
@tylerswartz We're really excited to introduce a new framework for thinking about hosting which doesn't require a calendar or calendar management. Also listings are private. When you get an incoming request you decide if you want to make your place available to that traveler after you vet them in the app.
Shane Mac
@asherhunt @tylerswartz smart. Same way we thought about it too
Tyler Swartz
@asherhunt that sounds like a good approach 😃. How long do you give each homeowner to respond, before the request is passed to the next one? Or, does it go to all of them and the first to respond gets it?
Asher Hunt
@tylerswartz Good question, multiple people can respond, and we do this so the traveler has a handful of options to choose from, while still diminishing the analysis paralysis of traditional booking options. That said, we do push requests to hosts who are available that day, within that radius. For example, within just a few minutes of requesting in LA you'll get a handful of responses to choose from. We're flood-gating right now as we've had a bit of attention today due to our launch but it also gives us a great opportunity to have great conversations with our would-be guests and welcome them to the community.
Jason Yeh
classic low end disruption of an incumbent (airbnb). very smart concept
Hank Leber
Great concept (actually surprised this hasn't happened sooner). What cities does it work in?
Asher Hunt
@hankleber Great question. We're in Los Angeles and launching Austin just ahead of SXSW! LA is our home base (very proud) and it's the perfect city for us to polish our flywheel. These are cities we're activating actively and @schabelman is killing it with community. That being said we have hosts who have self on-boarded their listings in 30+ cities across 12 countries and counting!
Shane Mac
Love this man. Reason I use Hotel Tonight mostly is solely this reason. I'd prefer an Airbnb person but the friction is always too high so I just do hotels. I've wanted this. Thank you. If you were to tell us, how can you guarantee an acceptance and speed to acceptance? What types of incentives / penalties will be in place to speed up this single piece? If no response in under 5 min, I'd prolly just Hotel Tonight it.
Asher Hunt
@shanemac Love it - you totally get it. The biggest thing here is communication. Human touch points. This is something that is in our DNA. Things are being done manually as often as possible and in an unscalable fashion at first but we're learning what to productize and where human touch points are most important. We're calling, texting, messaging, working very closely to cultivate a real community worldwide (starting in LA and now Austin) while scaling both supply and demand in lock step as often as possible. Sometimes demand overwhelms supply, and sometime some supply will sit idle or a day or so, but this is why we're launching city by city and this is the challenge we're absolutely focused on solving. We're currently flood-gating requests and calling everyone to welcome them to the community before pushing out their request, but most often our response times during normal hours in los angeles are about 45 seconds to first response.
Vincent DePalma
Really nicely designed app! Makes it super easy to find a last minute place to stay
Dustin Dolginow
We've hosted a couple of guests at our loft and the experience is amazing. Being mobile first and last minute lowers the planning overhead for both sides. Super stoked to be joining @asherhunt and team on the journey ahead.
Ezra Mosseri
"If we can get someone who travels twice a year to travel four times a year, we’re doing something very special." I think you hit the nail on the head here, @asherhunt-- great move going mobile first too which should do very well for loyalty and building a very solid base. ...and in my case you might just be getting someone with no plans to travel to LA... to travel to LA.
Nicolas Nezhat
Love this - just listed my place in Venice! I've Couchsurfed and Airbnb'd all over the world, both as a host and guest. As a guest, neither platform is friendly with spontaneity, occasionally leaving me scrambling. As a host, updating my calendar and committing to future bookings was always a tough. Really excited for the way's you've solved these pain points, @asherhunt and team! As you grow, one of my favorite Airbnb features are the professional photos for your listing. Perhaps a future feature for power hosts? Happy to provide any/all feedback!
Asher Hunt
@nnezhat amazing, I really can't wait to get your feedback and I'm very excited that you've listed. We've been thinking through this and how to really profile our hosts. We think human connection is important, and you don't get that feeling staring into an empty room. We're thinking of how we can change this and profiling our power hosts in such a way where it represents them as individuals.
Andrew Ettinger
This + Party with a Local ensures you have a good night out, but if you make a fool of yourself (looking at you @bentossell), you still have place to sleep.
Dan Fennessy
Great idea and a really nice looking app, well done @asherhunt & team. Digging the vision behind it, I immediately thought of @gillianim also when I read that. Spontaneous (& mobile first) travel adventures is the future of travel (I hope). Picturing my next trip already: 1. Book a spontaneous cheap flight somewhere never been before using @hitlist_app (do no other pre-planning or booking of anything, just get on flight). 2. Arrive, open up @partywithalocal and find some fun locals to party with, have epic night out somewhere you never would have found on your own. 3. Find a place to crash with locals using Overnight. 4. Uber to locals place (via kebab joint?) 5. Wake up and explore a new city - likely with a bunch of great insider tips from your host and locals you met/partied with last night - sounds pretty cool to me!
Asher Hunt
@gillianim @hitlist_app @partywithalocal Hey thanks @dan_fennessy I think we're all on the same page and I think it's a really great think that we're ALL pushing for exploration, more spontaneity, more exposure to more places and more of a human connection. Really cool world we live in right now - I could not be more excited.
Sebastien J Park
Might be flying out to LA in a few, can't wait to give this a try!
Gillian Morris
I had known about this literally yesterday I would have used it, I was in LA needing a last-minute crash pad in the Arts District. It's funny reading about your vision because it's exactly the same intention we have behind @hitlist_app - inspiring and enabling people to travel more frequently. The average American travels to 2.9 times a year and we want to get it to five by making it easier to discover what airfares are available, spontaneously or even when you're planning further in advance. I will be using the app I am definitely looking you up when I'm next in LA !
Asher Hunt
@gillianim @hitlist_app Awesome. Let me know next time you're in LA! I'm a big fan of your app, and have been since it came out. I spent like 40 minutes onboarding all the places i had been.
Nicolas Alparaz
Love the idea of compelling more 'let's just do it' travelers to get out there - very cool
pinguino kolb
This looks like so much fun!
Asher Hunt
@pinguino hey you! I have a funny story to share about this. A lot of the sentiment behind why I believe spontaneous travel is so important was born when I was working with the ONZRA guys, and we took a trip to Amsterdam. That was my first time out of the country(mex/can aside), and it was on 8 hours notice. Nothing booked, nowhere to stay – I went across the world and everything was alright. Changed the way I think about everything. From travel to entrepreneurship. Being spontaneous is ok, and everything will work out.
Love this concept and the app feels and looks really really good. And I'm a stickler
Samir Doshi
I'm a last minute traveler for sure - I like the pay off for being last minute ! haha --- cool product.
Ashish Walia
Very cool - this solves the huge friction issue that happens w/ Airbnb.