Hey all, I'm the founder of StoryWorth. I started StoryWorth as a side project to record my dad's stories, using email and phone calls. We kept it really low-tech for a long time to make it accessible to less tech-savvy seniors. Still, we knew an app would make the experience better for many of our customers, which is why I'm excited for today's launch. Happy to answer any questions!
@rrhoover Great question. Starting with email was a great way for us to reach the largest number of seniors possible. This being said, around 25% of our users access the site from an iOS device, so it was obvious that we could give them a better experience with an app. In the long term, the app also opens up opportunities around rich media (photos, video, etc) that would be impossible to implement over email. We've got a lot of ideas for ways to expand it going forward!
I enjoyed finding it very easy to use. It finally got me over the hurdle of creating an account and inviting my family, which I had not gotten around to doing via web. Good luck - maybe this app will accelerate StoryWorth's activations!
@nickbaum the invitation screen has a lot on it to scroll with the keyboard up and invite button omnipresent. You might crib from Apple contacts and make the Done/Invite button in the upper right of the nav bar.
I'm absolutely thrilled by the momentum of Lifechime. Know any new or expecting parents? I'll follow up with you off PH.
My family has been using StoryWorth since I gave it as a Christmas present last year. The value of this product really is priceless and it's something you'll realize as soon as those first stories start coming in from loved ones. It's a lot of fun to read about different memories my brothers have from growing up or to learn about my mother's grandparents (whom I never got the chance to know). One of my favorites was when my brother wrote about his favorite toys growing up and included pictures-- it really brings back special memories!
@whoakb Hi Kyle! Because we focus on sharing private and meaningful stories, most of our customers invite their immediate family, so typically 5-10 people (parents, grandparents, siblings, kids). This being said, we've had a few folks invite 30+ people – aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. In fact, we've discussed adding a "family reunion" edition for that purpose.
@taylorhughes The focus for the initial release was to have all the core functionality of the web version, including the new user experience. We wanted to create a great experience for our existing users, but of course we're hoping that the app will introduce StoryWorth to a lot of new users too! If you have any suggestions for improvements, I'm all ears.
This would be even more awesome as an Amazon Echo integration, since the senior folks we really want to use it would appreciate the simplest possible interface, and there's nothing quite like hearing it in their own voice.
@jim_brock That's a cool idea! We actually have a voice feature that works with any phone, including a landline. They record the story just like a voicemail, and we save the audio file (with optional transcription).
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