Michael 😍 Galpert

Storyboard Fountain - Best way to visualize your screenplay

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Ryan Hoover
Digging their landing page + animated GIF walkthroughs. This could be complimentary to Remark, "Google Docs for Video Projects" (cc @taylorhou)
Taylor Hou
Thanks @rrhoover. Very cool product. If only it could be done in the browser...
Rick Turoczy
Definitely sending this along to the digital storytelling folks with whom I work. Very cool.
Charles Forman
@taylorhou Actually!! It's written in JS and only an app because we needed native file access. It can totally run in a browser. Thanks @rrhoover !
Taylor Hou
@charlesforman awesome. Do you need more access than what the browsers currently can give access to? We have access to user's local media files through the browsers.
Charles Forman
@taylorhou Yeah - we also wanted to copy and paste into photoshop which you can totally do. Also offline use for that 0.000002% of the time you don't have internet.
Charles Forman
@taylorhou it's open source too: https://github.com/setpixel/stor... (If you want to star our repo :))
Brent Chow
This is great, I'm going to share this with my friends in the film industry and see what they say.
Charles Forman
@taylorhou would love to chat on GH/skype. I'm super interested in Remark HQ!
Taylor Hou
Definitely. Hit me up on GH - taylor at remarkhq. We'll do something soon @charlesforman