@diogomartf Hi Diogo. We have a few unique features: 1/ the ability to check-in with your emotions before and after your practice. Those mood check-ins get recorded and you can track them over time. 2/ for the iOS version (and soon to come on Android), there are non meditation activities like yoga and acupressure, tuned to how you feel. Hope you give it a try and look forward to your feedback!
There are lots of meditation apps out there, but I just started using SBT and I really enjoy the high level of customization, especially how you can track how you feel before and after meditating. If you don't want to install another app on your phone, they also did a great job with the web app.
@anthilemoon Thank you so much Anne-Laure! I'm Julie, the CEO of Stop, Breathe & Think. Really appreciate your kind words! We also have a Slack integration and recently launched an app for children. You can see all our products on our site: www.stopbreathethink.com. Thanks again for mentioning us and please send me any feedback you have on the product as you use it more :-)
Have been doing meditations through this app for 40 days straight.
Maybe a bit more work to be done mapping emotions to suggested meditations, but overall a cool feature.
I love the gamification, which works really well ( I usually f*in hate gamification)
It was a good app, and since the most recent update where you can now have the meditations offline it is a fantastic app. (The stress of trying to find a connection on a trip to the desert to be able to maintain your meditation streak kind of beat the purpose).
This has helped me quit smoking, stick to my diet, and get less angry. It's fantastic
Can you out tweet an AI?
Stop Breathe & Think
Ness Labs
Stop Breathe & Think
Texas Rescue Map
Stop Breathe & Think
it is what it is 👁👄👁
I've used this product since I was 17 (3 years! wow!) I've tried other meditation apps but honestly, I always came back to this one.
I never thought I could go beyond a 10 minute guided meditation, but now find myself meditating for sometimes even an hour.
Meditation changed my outlook on life, and has helped tremendously through periods of stress in my life. It's all thanks to this app.
Pros:UI is cute/helpful, variety of meditations -- all wonderful, emotion check-in recommends helpful meditations, great for beginners.
Cons:Paywall but, it's supporting a good cause and quality content so I can't complain.