Stoop is your content inbox. Have great email newsletters and videos channels delivered right to your Stoop without clogging your personal inbox, and be well informed without relying on scroll hungry newsfeeds.
One of my favorite apps of all time. Before Stoop my inbox was a mess and now I'm easily hitting inbox 0, while having all the newsletter organized in a separate app. Already recommended to bunch of friends and they all got hooked.
Now curious about the new YouTube feature. My first impression is: Not all the channels that I'm subscribed on YouTube should go into my Stoop. Only the channels which I'm super passionate about, which is one or two. Bear in mind that Stoop can get messy as well, similar to an inbox, if you just blindly subscribe to whatever you find interesting on the web.
I just love this app! I feel that my email is going to explode with so many suscriptions to a lot of places, but with this I can suscribe to a lot of channels and have it in just one app.
Stoop is a must have for people who read lots and don't want to fill up their inbox. The app is fantastically designed and offers a seamless experience. It's fantastic.
@timraybould Hi Tim, thanks for the reply, I'll take a shot and test it on one of my YT subscriptions ;) Although, I don't see it as feasible option for my ~100 subscriptions...
My reflection is that you cannot sell a stripped-down video player as a solution for the information-overloaded-binged-watching issue of ill-set YouTube KPI's.
IMO, recommended video section on YT enables me to reach amazing content that I wouldn't even know that existed in the first place - I usually add it to Watch later list, which partially helps with the 'rabbit hole' syndrome.
There IS a need for some smarter way to control our media consumption, but manually subscribing to video channels is not it.
@timraybould Btw. I'm a day-one user of Stoop, but I didn't convert to premium, yet... and of course, I have some suggestions;D
I'd gladly pay $10 for:
* Option to subscribe to an auto-generated daily, weekly or monthly newsletter on self-picked subreddits.
* Option to subscribe to an auto-generated daily, weekly or monthly newsletter on best tweets from my observed accounts (think Nuzzle in form of a newsletter).
*Option to subscribe to an auto-generated daily, weekly or monthly newsletter from selected Google alert keywords (Feedly does have a similar feature but in form of RSS)
Some left-brain thinking for premium features:
* Guest newsletters - experts share their top-picked - like a Spotify playlist: i.e Joe Rogan shares his favorite links from his podcasts...
* Option to tip and send a question to newsletter author (ala Medium)
If you need any help with design, feel free to reach me on twitter. :)