Calum Webb

Stoic. - An emotion tracking app based on Stoicism


Stoic. is one of the easiest ways to learn to cope with stress, journal your moods and feelings of fulfilment, all grounded upon the philosophy of Stoicism.
Stoic. is your daily companion for mood tracking, journaling, meditations, and reflection.

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Graham Hoefer
This looks amazing and I'd love to try it out. Do you know if there will be an Android version at some point?
Daniel Roger Casanova
Would love for this to have a one off purchase instead of a monthly fee. Specially for early adopters!
Chad Wilken
This is the perfect candidate for react native. Leaving money on the table by not supporting Android. I bet a port could be done in less than a week. If you're interested and need help let me know. This looks like what I need right now but recently switched to Android.
Petar Acanski
I've tried it for 7 days which is free trial period, if I am not wrong, and it is not enough time for this type of app. Love the aesthetics and interaction, it looks useful, and I like it but not that much to buy a subscription. Like Daniel said, it looks more like a one off purchase instead of a subscription based app. For that type of commitment, even if price is reasonable, I need more proof of value.
Calum Webb
Hey there! I've been a happy user of Stoic. for the past couple months and absolutely loved using it to reflect on my moods throughout the day, discover great quotes and perform mindful exercises. Stoic's latest updates over the last couple weeks have expanded on the mood tracking with the development of a Trends page to better track your mood over time, personalised routines which suggest exercises to perform for your morning, evening or night routines, in response to questions you answer about your mood and what influences are affecting you at the time of day.
Liam Roberts
Awesome - this is exactly what I think many of us have been looking for! I really like the choice to opt for black and white. What was your reasoning behind that? It would be interesting to hear your thoughts!
Alex Spezowka
God this looks like exactly the app I need. Unfortunately I'm an Android user, so no such luck for me. Will be jumping on board immediately if it ever comes to Android.
Nat Sierocka
wow! so cool
Vincent Déniel
Is it open-source? Does it send data to a server? I'm sorry but there is no way I'm giving such intimate information about myself, knowing that this could end up on some servers and monetized.
Dmitry Nozhenko
@calum Nice app.
Mariah Birnbaum
This looks really cool. Hoping it'll come to Android.
Imran Razak
I use stoic everyday, it's such a great tool to manage your emotions and feelings. Simple and private.