Hey Product Hunt!
Excited to introduce our newest product: Framed tweets!
Last December, I was on a plane to Mexico City when a tweet we posted to celebrate giving out $1000 Christmas bonuses went viral.
By the time I landed, we crossed 40,000 retweets and the idea to get the tweet framed crossed my mind. I opened Google and searched "frame a tweet."
A website called "Framed Tweets" came up along with an article about the founder Zach Katz. Then on Zach's Twitter I saw his last tweet said he was in Mexico City.
I reached out that night. We met up at a taco stand in Azcapotzalco, became friends and Zach decided to join Sticker Mule.
Since then we added some Mule Magic to Framed Tweets by giving it a fancy new UX and upgrading to most incredible handcrafted wood frame money can buy.
Hope you enjoy the story and like the service even more. We have been eager to show it off.
@ac132 Cool! I did a teardown for this guy a couple years ago on Reddit. Since then I've seen these framed tweets hanging in the background of a whole bunch of youtubers videos. Such a fun idea, the nextgen version of the site is pretty slick too!
I bought three of these from the first gen site. They’ve been hanging above my toilet. They’re excellent conversation starters, but I usually ask guests to have that conversation out of the bathroom.
I was in the Beta for these and they are amazing a hilarious/boujee as all heck. I have a beautiful framed Motivational Snoop Dog Bitmoji tweet in my office. The frame is GREAT quality and obviously can be used for other purposes. Tweets are just seemingly printed on printer paper so no huge loss if you swap em.
Haha is this what we should expect to see in museums of the future? I think this pairs well with my Twitter guessing party game https://utter.fun/ . Also on product hunt too btw!
Congrats! I love this idea! I have one idea for you! I've been looking for someplace that I can frame Instagram posts. There are plenty of services that you can sync with your Instagram photos, but none that will capture the full post with a caption like you do here!
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