Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Leo Faria
Steve Jobs — Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Leo Faria
It's not just because of what Jobs represents or what we accomplished -- this is truly a great story. Few in history have transformed their time like Steve Jobs, and one could argue that he stands with the Fords, Edisons, and Gutenbergs of the world.
Vishal Agarwal
Lets make a dent in the world. What a way to do so!
Shari G. Andrews
It's true Steve Jobs is the innovator of our time! And he really inspires, for example, even as a successful business man. I read a lot about him, and recently I got to and read a lot of interesting and even new things about him there) My task now is to describe an ideal business organization scheme for me, so I would like to analyze this using his example.