Tyler Davis

Better Error Pages - Build free 404, 503 and maintenance pages in 60 seconds

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Tyler Davis
Hey Product Hunt! As someone that's worked on several large and small scale projects, one of the last things to get done, if ever, are error pages. www.soundviz.com/404 Classic. They're just not a priority. They're one of those polish elements, though, that lends legitimacy and trust to a product, so having great, informative error pages can go a long way. Better Error Pages is a response to this. We've designed and built three templates that can be fully customized to fit your needs. If you're a StatusPage customer, we'll pull relevant data from your status page to make your error pages dynamic and informative. Once you've finished the setup, we send you a package with everything you need to drop in to your public folder and go. It makes dealing with your error pages a painless, sixty second thing. We're super excited to be sharing this with you and happy to answer any questions!
Steven Rushing
My own product is launching today on PH right along side yours, but damn if I couldn't help but click over to your site. Looks freaking awesome, man. Thinking back on on the hard work we spent into our own 404 page, I can't believe someone didn't do this ages ago. Great job! We'll def use these on Patent Monk!
Jordan Rushing
@steven_rushing @tylermdavis Seriously! Where were you guys a few months ago when we were custom building ours. Great idea guys!
Tom Graham
Great little tool and I expect also a nice lead generator for StatusPage. Good work :)
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
@tompedals of course you can remove statuspage link from the source code :)
Joao Carvalho
Idea: create a plugin for several open-source CMS (Ex: Wordpress) so less code-savvy users can take advantage of the service Cool and simple product by the way.
Tyler Davis
@johntheoak Totally agree and something we plan on implementing. Thanks for the feedback!
Jack Smith
great idea and logical extension of the statuspage.io product
Avi Zuber
File this under "Why the heck didn't I think of making this?", there is totally a need you're addressing it in an awesome way. Can't believe how smooth it is, kudos!
JD Eaton
Awesome product that serves a huge need - kudos!
Jarod Stewart
This looks great and it is so simple to use. Fantastic.
Jeremy Frisch
We just started using StatusPage.io at Social Tables. Just created our own Better Error Page and it looks great! We hacked our logo in at the top and had to do some cleanup of the style sheet as one of the custom colors we added didn't come through. There's some weird validation on the custom color input fields so makes it a bit difficult to type in a hex code (we just ended up copying and pasting). Hopefully will have it implemented on production by next week - thanks! https://drive.google.com/file/d/...
Steve Klein
@itsofrischial that's awesome Jeremy -- looks great! BTW, which color didn't come through?
Jacob Hobbie
Even if there is a marketing purpose behind bringing cool products like this to everybody, doing this always reminds me of the old technology ethos: Knowledge and work is to be shared. Great product, and StatusPage.io is nifty as well!
Steven Hambleton
PS. You have a typo in your opt in box right at the end. Says 'errror'. #ironic
This is awesome. I love the "report" button. It's about time that's standard practice. I echo the other comments about WordPress integration. Great work!
Thibaut Davoult
Really a big fan of statuspage. We've implemented it for wisembly and solid recently and are very happy with it. It's true that lackluster 404s & other error pages is often a pain as a viewer, and comes as a low priority when building a product (I guess, compared to making sure everything works). It makes a lot of sense to launch this product.
Ali R. Tariq
I literally pitched this very idea to a friend last week. But your implementation is much better. Love the walkthrough and how simple an experience it is from end to end.
Matthijs Otterloo
Really like this tool! It's awesome! :D
Ardon Lukas
Just what I needed, thanks for sharing this!
adam mashaal
Nice concept. The Fail Whale will have some good company!
Tyson Quick
Well done Danny and team