Jim Gray

Statbot - One-click business & growth analytics for Intercom


We import all your Intercom data and transform it for your you. No more SQL-hassle! We do the job for you and present them in actionable reports.

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Greg Gilbert
This looks awesome @akebrattberg What's the story behind this product? Who's your ideal client for this solution?
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@gregoiregilbert Thanks Grégoire! Basically I first got the idea when I was browsing “label:intercom” in Gmail. :) label:intercom Funny story though because I didn’t act on it at the time. A couple of months later I discovered Statbot by a friend. He didn’t want to continue pursue this space so I made an offer and here we are. I’ve started to make a few changes but basically trying to get as much feedback as possible at the moment so I make sure I build the right product. I am primarily focusing on SaaS apps atm but have a few customers with iOS/Android apps as well. The thing I like most with these kind of add-ons (like Baremetrics as well) is that it just works, out of the box. No setup or configuration.
Taylor Hou
@gregoiregilbert hmm I'm probably an ideal customer. I've already pinged my head of user acquisition to sign up. he manually creates cohort spreadsheets and reports so this is well worth it. cheers @akebrattberg for a solid mvp to a growing problem for growing SaaS companies that put customer happiness first with @intercom
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@taylorhou Thanks Taylor! I would love to hear more from your colleague what he's needs are.
Baz Hand
Between this and http://addcharts.com/ there are a growing number of apps building analytics for analytics apps!
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@barryhand Yes, keep em coming so we all can get better at this! :)
Jamie Lawrence
I'm really enthusiastic about intercom add-ons like Statbot. I think there's huge potential to create a Stripe-like ecosystem of small businesses
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@ideasasylum Thanks Jamie and yes, we think so too. Intercom is great and this is just a start. I sure appreciate feedback and ideas on how I can take this further. :)
Sarah Chambers
Always great to see more data and analytics brought to the customer experience - if it gets measured, it gets done! Nice job!
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@sarahleeyoga Thank you Sarah!
Peter Ryder
Really like this, design looks clean too. I think a free trial option might be more effective than a money back guarantee. We've all got very used to trying out new services without having to commit, might put people off signing up.
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@peterryder16 Thanks for you feedback. We decided to try this strategy first, with inspiration from @shpigford but might try the Trial-strategy later as well. We'll see.
Aref Abedi
I've been using Statbot for a while now (almost 6 months). Great way to get a quick overview of our stats and numbers! I'd love an export/share feature so I easily can share certain graphs or dashboards with external users! Keep it up @akebrattberg
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@arefabedi Aref, thank you. You're one of the oldest customer we have. Thanks for that! :) And yes, sharing and exporting is something we definitely have on our roadmap. I'll keep you updated!
Sam Houston
Are you storing any of the data that you're pulling from Intercom? If so, what's your security situation?
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@samhouston Sorry, I missed this comment! Yes, we store the data we pull. We use Postgres on Heroku. We're on SSL. We will never share data to anyone.
Sam Houston
@akebrattberg No worries. Do you encrypt the data at all?
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@samhouston Data is encrypted in transit, but not yet at rest. We are definitely looking to address this, but won't be done very soon.
Vlad Gidea
@akebrattberg @samhouston How about now? Is the data encrypted?
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@gidea @samhouston Missed this. Yes, now data is encrypted at rest AND transit. :)
Ghost Kitty
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Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
@gaelle_lo Thank you Gaëlle! 😊
Trevor Hatfield
Looks like a solid tool, I'm going to have to check this out