Hey Product Hunt,
So in Maker Hunt, we used to do "Maker AMAs" where would have a maker come on and share knowledge about their industry, company, etc with the community. People loved them. It was a bit of a predecessor to Product Hunt Live (which is my favorite PH product). I love anything that helps unlock knowledge so that it can be shared and everyone benefits.
As Snapchat is currently surging with guys like @msuster and @justinkan jumping on, I thought there was an opportunity to accelerate knowledge sharing.
So I've launched Startup TV. Every day a new maker, founder, designer, investor, influencer, or anyone interesting from the tech ecosystem will do a "takeover" on our account to share their story, what they're working on, valuable tips, deep dive into their local startup ecosystem, etc. Sometimes it will be an individual maker, and sometimes we'll have an entire startup team taking over the account. We'll also do exclusive product demos where you'll see products from awesome teams well before they're ready to launch to get the inside story on what problem they're addressing and how they plan to conquer the market.
Sometimes we'll focus in on a city and cover startups/founders and sometimes will do interesting things like stack a series of takeovers with millennials(multiple takeovers on the same day) so they can give you the inside scoop on the products they're using day to day.
I discussed something like this almost a year ago with @eriktorenberg when we launched Product Hunt Global. I wanted to do city coverage of the Product Hunt meetups and the local startup scene.
We're starting off with @KikiSchirr@bentossell@benln@hackapreneur and few others that will be announced soon.
I hope you tune in. Please follow StartupTV on Snapchat. I'm open to any suggestions.
What type of content would you like to see?
I'm talking to a designer about going through his typical day of sketching up a design. I'm talking to a founder about a behind the scenes look at their current funding-raising process. Another founder wants to do a prelaunch with us. So what or who do you want to see?
If there is anyone you think I should reach out to specifically to do a takeover, you can tag them below and I'll reach out.
Really looking forward to my takeover tomorrow!
Will be talking about a day in the life of a Community Manager @ Product Hunt and also about my recent launch botlist, an app store for bots
I need feedback on what you want to see in my snaps though?!
@erictwillis I definitely want to see @garyvee take this over. #fanboy
Great initiative though Eric - I think it's really interesting to get like a real quick look into the life of what other startup people are doing around the place, beyond just sharing our links and products at each other. The fact that you've got a daily line-up is great!
Out of curiosity, how are you handling the takeovers? Do you need to share username/password for this to occur?
@bentossell Can't wait! I really want to "see" some of the work that you do. I think people would just be interested in seeing some of the day to day stuff you do to keep things running smoothly.
Hey @ericwillis - Eric, totally random but I own thestartupseries.com if you want it? If it's easy to transfer ownership (from 123 reg) - happy to pass it on to you - currently expires 30th Dec 2016...
Congratz on launch :) Well, I guess it's finally time I install snapchat :P
So, to state it clearly, the difference with PH Live will be that it will feature makers more at the start of their career than the high profile people we see on Live?
@erictwillis congrats on the launch! I'd love to hear stories, problems, solutions from companies in the $0 to $100k MRR range who've raised little or nothing in funding. I think there's a big gap here where most tech sites predominantly cover launches from big companies/funding rounds raised by startups. More along the lines of Nomadlist's, TINT's, Groove's, Baremetrics', Buffer's, etc. early blogs, but in video form. Happy to chat more on Maker Hunt.
@joshconstine probably doesn't remember this, but one time we were chatting on twitter (well I jumped in his convo) about bloggers live-streaming their article-writing process so that people could see how they put together a story. I think things like that would be cool to feature.
@erictwillis hey Eric, I'll be in LA tomorrow for the CAA World Congress of Sports conference. Our start up will be meeting with several league executives to finalize yet to be announced partnerships - would love to take over the channel while I'm there! Let me know if I can help in any way.
Hey @erictwillis I would love to participate in this. There are a ton of cool startups and amazing founders in the Santa Barbara ecosystem (where I live). I'm going to sign up and will share some ideas for who I could bring to the table. My email is alex@kehaya.com if you want to set up a time to chat.
@erictwillis my spidey sense is tingling... I love the potential. @msuster is the only snapchat account I watch daily, BUT - I watched @KikiSchirr today and love the authenticity. Good luck, and I'll be watching @bentossell tomorrow!
I'm a huge fan of Gary V and Suster on Snapchat. I imagine this channel will be ultra valuable in giving us the inside on their thought process and expertise. Great idea, just followed!
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