Kat Manalac

Startup School Winter 2020 - Learn how to start a startup with YC for free

Watch lectures by YC’s world-class experts and get direct feedback in community posts and AMAs. Join a network of over 40k founders across 190 countries. Cut startup costs and get discounts from the best in the business like AWS, GCP, Stripe and more.

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Kyle Corbitt
Really excited that we're running this again in January! One thing we learned last year was that a once-a-year course doesn't really work for founders. By running more frequently we'll make Startup School available on *your* schedule, not ours. Another major change is that we're dropping down to 2 required group sessions from 7. Some founders got a lot of value out of group sessions but others didn't, so we're giving founders the option to choose how many they want to participate in. Happy to answer questions about Startup School (or anything else)!
Francesco 🍫
@corbtt First of all, startup school is awesome! Have you seen people keep using the Startup School directory even after the 8 weeks passed? Do you have plans for an all-year founder forum?
Kyle Corbitt
@gamarantor directory usage wasn't high after the course ended. We *are* planning on investing a great deal more in the forum this year and making it a high-quality resource during the course and year round!
Renjith Ramachandran
@corbtt I was at the 1st Startup School Program , It was amazing.. It literally changed our focus and we saw great growth in our startup. Happy to join 2020
Daniel Roger Casanova
What will change with respect to the previous versions of startup school? Is it worth it for people that already took it?
Kyle Corbitt
@danirogerc More info (including a direct answer to that question) here: https://blog.ycombinator.com/ann... tl;dr is that the content/format won't change much. Up to you whether you think enrolling again will help yo or not. My hope is that the accountability alone will make it worth it but we'll see what you and other users think!
Mike Ritchie
@danirogerc @corbtt I think it helps you drop ancillary work (e.g. redesigning your landing page for the third time) and focusing on what's really important (talking to customers and building product)
Romain Brabant
Startup School is really a great program, I learned a lot and enjoyed the time spent watching each Lecture. I will attend again just to meet new people during the weekly Group Sessions. Finally, some of the deals for YC SUS are just too great to be missed.
Dhanush Ram
Startup School is really a great program & great push for myself to work towards the goals, I learned a lot and enjoyed the time spent watching each Lecture. I will attend again just to meet new people and explore synergies
Akif Kartalcı
In previous semester, I tried to participate but generally every lessons I had some group meeting connection problems, did you solve this for this term?
Edison Espinosa
Are you guys still going to give out the 10k?
Alex Sh
Yes, it was an amazing experience for me and I met new great people. Recommend! (YC School 2019)
SeifRamadhani B Kigonire
Harold M. Padilla
Can anyone talk about their success story on how this helped with their startup (better if you bootstrapped it 😊)?
David Chang
@haroldpadilla before startupschool, tried building two apps with highschool & college friends, completely failed. This past startupschool batch, my cofounders and I finally got our stuff together and were wrapping up building the first iteration of our first "finished" product. Perfect (probably even a bit late) timing to go into startup school, ended up interviewing with YC, albeit unsuccessfully. Nevertheless, incredible growth and learning which led to huge learnings from the interview process as well. Content is invaluable to consume while building. Edit: 0% chance of getting the YC interview without StartupSchool. Will probably end up starting a company soon because of this experience as a whole. Group sessions meh lol
Nik Kotov
Sweet, just applied! I've been watching the videos from past classes in my past time and super excited to finally work on my startup with proper support.
Clinton Lynch
Look promising! I think this might be ok;)
Andrew Fraine
Signed up, looking forward to it
Mata Mokwala
Signed up yesterday and received the confirmation. Can’t wait to learn and share some ideas!
Noureddine Hamaidi
Tried editing the Avatar and got stuck at this page https://account.ycombinator.com/... I or maybe you missed something here. No back or home button except for "sign out".