Acceleration - Startup law book for entrepreneurs
Acceleration is a startup law book for entrepreneurs.
This approachable book highlights the legal issues of launching a startup, including incorporation, cofounders, equity, hires, advisors, accelerators, and seed & venture capital financings.
Startup Lawyer
Startup Lawyer
Startup Lawyer
Startup Lawyer
Startup Lawyer
ShopSavvy for Chrome
This book is a guide to all the major legal issues that face a startup founder. Helps both investors and startup founders figure out what is important to them and how to get it.
Pros:This is the essential field manual to legal issues facing startup founders
Cons:Ryan needs to write a book with case studies with real life examples and names disguised. Maybe book 2?
ShopSavvy for Chrome
UI Magnets
UI Magnets
Pros:Everything you need to know as a first-time founder when it comes to startup legal issues PLUS tons of knowledge for the seasoned vet.
Cons:Not enough rap lyrics.
Bonus points for using inclusive language!
Pros:This book is now my go-to recommendation for entrepreneurs. Can't imagine a more helpful read regardless of experience or industry focus.
Hello Tech Pros: Interview with Radoslav Stankov from Product Hunt
Ryan has his startup legal practice into into book form. Grab the book, it's a teeny-tiny investment into your company. If you like what you read, get in touch with Ryan.
Pros:Practical, straight-forward and to the point.
Cons:No cons, scams or ruses. :P
Startup Lawyer
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