Marc Köhlbrugge

Interview Questions - Ace your job interview with these sample questions & answers

Ace your next job interview. Browse sample interview questions and answers to make a great first impression. We have interview questions and answers for the 500 most popular roles startups are hiring for. If a role is missing, just email me:

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Marc Köhlbrugge
Interviewing for a job can be really stressful and good preparation makes all the difference. That's why I created "Interview Questions". It's a collection of common questions you might be asked during a job interview when applying to a startup. You can easily search through the site to find just the questions for the role you're applying for. Besides the sample questions, we also include the context (why a hiring manager might ask you the question), and a sample answer to get you started. Let me know what you think in the comments and how I can improve it! P.S. If you're wondering: yes, I created this with the help of GPT-3. I spend a lot of time on fine-tuning the model so we'd get useful questions and answers. I also implemented a simple feedback system on the site so you can mark the questions/answers you like and dislike. This way the site gets better over time.
love this
Kate Kozhushna
Thank you, Marc
Rodrigo Rocco
Loved it Marc, well done 👏👏👏
Valerii Bashmakov
good project
Anna Zubchenko
Nice app to train asking questions before the real interview, thank you))