Hiten Shah

Curated - Grow your audience by sharing truly engaging content weekly


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Hiten Shah
I've been using this product for over 6 months now. They have created a great workflow for bookmarking links and curating a weekly newsletter. It powers my weekly SaaS newsletter, http:///hiten.com. I'm able to learn what people click on and make the newsletter better over time. This is a must have product for me.
Dave Verwer
@hnshah Thanks Hiten!
Aaron Hanson
@hnshah Love your SaaS newsletter, Hiten! Always top quality stuff.
Ryan Hoover
I've long since been a fan of email-first startups (written a few years ago). That's actually how Product Hunt started. Curated could be a useful tool for those looking to build an audience with far less hassle than manually-created newsletters.
Dave Verwer
@rrhoover I couldn't agree more :) The product grew out of my weekly round up of iOS developer news, iOS Dev Weekly (http://iosdevweekly.com]. I eventually got fed up with the manual work of getting it out every week and that's how Curated started ;)
Phil Wright
5 stars!! I love curated! Its made my weekly newsletter http://swiftdevweekly.co so easy and I am able to publish quickly.
Dave Verwer
@wrightph Thanks Phil!
Leon Pals
We've launched our 'Curated'; https://startupfoundation.curate..., almost two months ago, and absolutely love how well it works. Actually over 50% of all the newsletters I personally receive, come from the Curated system. And now, anyone can start a publication on Curated with this friendly pricing structure :)
Dave Verwer
@leonpals Cheers Leon!
Vinish Garg
@daveverwer, I use Paper.li, I have also used scoop.it, Rebelmouse. For enterprise level content marketing, I have explored TrapIt and Kapost too. I wonder how 'Curated' is any different from a long list of curation tools that we already have!
Dave Verwer
@vingar Great question. I guess the primary thing is that we're big fans of the human element in the curation process :) Many of those tools automate the curation process to a some extent whereas our focus in on automating everything that *doesn't* benefit being done by a human. We believe this is the best way to get our publishers to really concentrate on quality when publishing. Putting together an issue of content is still very simple, collect the links, curate and write about them, hit publish but we don't try and automate the content at all and encourage our curators to concentrate on adding their voice to it with the commentary under each link. Other things? We're also really interested in different methods of distribution. The content is what's important here and we want your subscribers to be able to receive it in their preferred medium. If that's email, that's great but we also host a web site for you (on a custom domain if you choose), offer Safari Notifications, RSS, etc... The workflow has also come directly from my experience in doing this for over three years with iOS Dev Weekly (http://iosdevweekly.com) so it's very well tested in terms of keeping on top of being able to keep up the commitment of pushing out quality curation every week.
Dan Gray
Another 5 stars from me! We used Curated for our weekly curated FinTech newsletter, http://fintechfeed.com/ It's *incredibly* easy to set up and use, and comes with some pretty handy inbuilt GA integration and a great interface for managing content and sponsorships. Thanks @daveverwer!
Dave Verwer
@dan_e_gray Thanks Dan!
Lee Armstrong
We use this over at http://avgeekweekly.com and it works really well for us!
Dave Verwer
@lesmond Thanks Lee!
Casey Armstrong
Agree with all that Curated is a great product and @daveverwer has been awesome to work with. I use it at http://FullStackMarketer.com / http://GrowthShip.com and makes everything extremely easy. Bookmark your top posts each week and publish your newsletter in minutes. Plus, a great community of people like @hnshah to learn from.
Dave Verwer
@caseya Thanks Casey!
David McGraw
Most of the newsletters I get these days are being powered by Curated. Great work! Best wishes on the launch. I'll certainly be considering moving my own newsletter over. Can you share any thoughts on the future of Curated (stuff you'd love to get in place next)? Would love to see a way to bring over my list from other sources (I may have missed that from my brief glance).
Dave Verwer
@xmcgraw You certainly can import lists, there's some advice here and instructions on how: http://support.curated.co/hc/en-... As for future plans, we're not announcing anything else today but I would say that we're really committed to keeping the subscriber happy and one of the ways that we're planning to do that is to work on tools to help our publishers create the highest quality content they can. We also want to help our publisher's subscribers receive the content in the most convenient way for them. Right now that's email, web, rss, Safari notifications, etc... but we're already working on other distribution mechanisms as well.
Greg Van Horn
Great looking product! Are you able to export users who have clicked or opened recent campaigns and/or run queries against them and then export them?
Dave Verwer
@domydeal You can certainly see this information in the system, including opens and clicks for specific users. However, there's no export of that information just yet. It's something we would consider though, drop me an email at dave@curated.co with some information about where you'd like to import that data to. Thanks!
Mohit Mamoria
Why didn't I found this hunt a few months ago! It would have saved me days that I spent in building my own engine for my newsletter. This is a blessing. :)
Dave Verwer
@mohitmamoria It's never too late ;)
Joseph Hsieh
We've been using Curated as am early patron customer to curate our weekly emails on growthhacking over at http://growthhack.com! It's been a great experience, and @daveverwer and his team has constantly been improving the features and functionalities based on feedback. My favorite features are easy plug/play conversion tracking with Facebook-Ads/Twitter-Ads. I also appreciate that they have a robust API for future extension possibilities.
Andrew Yates
Been receiving iOS Dev Weekly from @daveverwer since #1 and it's been so fun seeing Curated being born from those early manually curated emails to Curated becoming a product that loads of newsletters I receive now use. :) Awesome work!
Dave Verwer
@ay8s Thanks Andrew!
Mitali Pattnaik
Similar to Revue which I started using recently, but seems like a fuller product. Definitely seeing a lot of interesting stuff in the email newsletter space lately.
Dave Verwer
@mitali Thanks Mitali! I agree, there's a whole load of interesting email companies around at the moment.
Galen Vinter
I run http://frontenddevweekly.com on Curated and absolutely love it. The newsletter now takes me 1/4 of the time that it did before to create, test, and send. I also get analytics and more too?! It's a no-brainer
Dave Verwer
@gvinter Thanks Galen!
Dave Verwer
I'd be happy to answer any questions!
Rehat Kathuria
@daveverwer Hey Dave, correct me if I'm wrong but has there recently been a change in pricing? Interesting to hear your thoughts behind why that happened if it indeed did.
Josh Muccio
@daveverwer After our chat today on the Daily Hunt (https://dailyhunt.co/curated/) I am definitely leaning towards moving our weekly newsletter to Curated and putting a new focus on curating content. Thanks again Dave! The story of Curated is truly a unique one, and the product itself solves a major pain point for influencers.
Rodolphe Dutel
Rodolphe here from http://remotive.io - Super happy Curated.co customer, really great to see it on PH - well done Dave & team! :)
Ace Green
Any interest in a free tier?
Thibaud G.-Gentil
Great product, I've been using it since 1 month now and launched http://appleweekly.net on it. Awesome experience so far, hhe hardest part is to find subscribers now ;-).