Daxeel Soni

Startup Around - Quick startup content every 30 minutes from 100+ publishers


Intelligent. Crisp. Quick.
We analyze the internet, startup trends and social media activities algorithmically to bring you the quick summary right away every 30 minutes from 100+ publishers from the global startup communities.

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Daxeel Soni
We entrepreneurs, startup enablers and community initiators always start our morning with fresh news and updates from the startup world. And we all get updates from our favorite publishers, blog and media companies. What if there will be an algorithm travels to the internet, social media, hundreds of publishers, blogs and what not to analyze the trending startup content and delivers you every 30 minutes under a single platform. Isn't it cool but fast, effective and intelligent way to start our morning? Let me know your thoughts. That's the vision of Startup Around! I am excited to launch Startup Around publically on my most favourite product community, Product Hunt. Feel free to ask your questions, suggestions and feedback to improve the product in our next release. Looking forward to hear from the community! - Love from Startup Around Team <3
Adarsh Ron
Summary of 100+ product in just 10 minutes! That's definitely amazing especially for people like me who like to go through latest news quickly. The only challenge I see is the scraping of data. Especially if 30 minutes is the interval that would probably be a big no from the sources resulting in the scraper IP being blocked or blacklisted. If its completely API driven data fetching then, its definitely perfect.
Daxeel Soni
@adarsh_ron First of all thank you Adarsh for trying it out and providing your thoughts on scraping and technicalities. We totally understand your point on ip blocking and scraping data. Here, we have integrated the RSS feed of the publishers and in 10% of cases we are scraping. Thus, RSS works well and we were testing this platform since a week. It works like a charm! Till now we have 1091 articles, 1200+ unique users, 1500+ unique pageviews and 40k+ twitter impressions. Open to your further thoughts.
Interesting product. A great idea providing summaries with insane amount of articles floating around daily. How is the accuracy of the summary being measured?
Daxeel Soni
@swsalim Thanks Yuyu for trying out and providing your feedback. We are glad that you liked the the concept of delivering summaries of hundreds of articles floating daily around us. Coming to your question, we measured accuracy in 2 ways. 1. Programmatically: We have written the test cases on test data for the algorithm. 2. Manual: We were testing this for 1 week and we have floated out the feedback form to early readers to rate the platform on quality of articles posted, summary and over all performance. We are very excited to tell that the early readers were extremely happy with that content quality and summaries posted. And of course, entire platform is automated and there might be bugs and scope to improve. And we are working very hard on that! I hope I answered your question. Feel free to ask if you want to discuss further.
Shubham Kumar
HI @daxeel soni, Could you please add startuptalky.com rss in your list
Daxeel Soni
@shubham_kumar Sure. We need to check the compatibility. But yes, thanks for the suggestions. If it is compatible, We will definitely add it to our system.
Daxeel Soni
@shubham_kumar Congrats! We have added startuptalky rss to our system.
Do you have a RSS feed?
Daxeel Soni
@itsshashank I did not get you. We integrate RSS feeds of other publishers.
@daxeelsoni No, I meant a rss feed of https://startuparound.com. I would like to follow you guys in my Rss reader.
Daxeel Soni
@itsshashank Sorry bro. Thats not available right now. You can keep checking startuparound.com every morning or subscribe to weekly newsletter.
Daxeel Soni
@itsshashank Also, you can join our telegram channel to receive updates directly to your telegram inbox. http://t.me/startuparound I hope this helps.
Daxeel Soni
Hello Everyone, We got tremendous support from PH community and we crossed 2.5k+ unique users. As a bonus, we are launching our Telegram channel where all the updates from Startup Around will be delivered directly to your telegram inbox. Join Telegram Channel Now: http://t.me/startuparound
Oleg Ovsyannikov
How do you pick content? How do you evaluate it as worth to read?
Daxeel Soni
@oleg_ovsyannikov1 Based on 1. Publisher who is posting 2. Time when is the content posted on internet 3. Some Keyword based filters related to startup, funding and entrepreneurship
Oleg Ovsyannikov
@daxeelsoni noted. Btw, some publishers show "views" metric for articles, you might want to scrap it and consider for catching trendy content.
Daxeel Soni
@oleg_ovsyannikov1 Totally makes sense. We are exploring different params such as Views, social media buzz, shares etc. Thanks for your suggestions. We appreciate your input. Feel free to reach out to me for any future feedback. :)
Nishith Shukla
Excellent product !! It's very useful @daxeelsoni !! Keep it up !! It will be nice if you can fetch some interesting government scheme , technical contests information etc on this platform ..
Daxeel Soni
@nishith_shukla Thank you for your amazing feedback. Definitely pulling government schemes is the great suggestion. We will add that too. Thanks.
Vyapaar Jagat
Great going Daxeel
Daxeel Soni
@vyapaarjagat Thank you team Vyapaar Jagat :) This really means a lot!
Lionell Loh Jian An
Shame on you, claiming to do good for start ups and still stealing from them without any admission of guilt.