Farhad Manjoo

The Jay and Farhad Show - Is Apple Doomed? - Apple and what they need to fix

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Alex Carter
I extracted a clip of @fmanjoo and @jyarow talking about the problem with Twitter (https://anchor.fm/w/98A9B0) as a peak into the episode to see if anyone wanted to share their thoughts here in the comments. Basically, Jay thinks Twitter is dead simple and easy to use which isn't it's core problem; the core problem is that Twitter missed the boat early on w/ messaging and image sharing. Farhad disagrees. I think this: https://anchor.fm/w/98A9B0, which is essentially Twitter needs a dead simple explanation of what it's core purpose / use case is, and needs to fix onboaridng for casual users to streamline understanding who they are and plugging them into those communities, as well as trying to get communities that don't current'y use Twitter as their defacto form of communication to do so. cc @nivo0o0 @bentossell @matthartman @mignano curious what you think =)
Ben Tossell
@alexcartaz There are a lot of components that make Twitter seem complicated to new users, if you were to describe all the different parts then it does seem quite complex. However, I could say the same about Facebook... if someone were to go through all the bells and whistles there then that could also seem pretty complex too. It may be the way new users come to the platforms that is a problem. I see tremendous value in Twitter and in my feed... I see trash in my Facebook feed. But I was the one to let both of those things happen. You have to put effort in to get the benefit. In the current environment, people have less patience. Maybe that is something that needs to be addressed. Its a complicated question and lots of us in the tech world argue many sides of this conversation, but also we are probably some of the best positioned in terms of getting value from twitter, so passing judgement can be hard. Some may be wanting to have all the pretty images etc and think that is what others want, some may think its the onboarding, etc etc. There's no one right answer. But I do believe Twitter to be the most valuable social network out there for me.
Mike Mignano
@alexcartaz couldn't agree more with what you said about casual users. here are my thoughts: https://anchor.fm/w/98a9b3
Alex Carter
Would love to see a @benthompson @jamesallworth + @jyarow @fmanjoo cross over episode when discussing the likes of Twitter or Apple. =) I end up listening to the same topics on both shows all the time (and enjoying it), but would love to see all 4 discuss in one place!