Sam Artioli

SB Admin Pro Angular - Expertly Architected Front-end Theme in Angular


SB Admin Pro Angular is a premium, Bootstrap based admin dashboard theme built by the team at Start Bootstrap

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Sam Artioli
Hello. I am new to this site. I have been developing platforms and working in emerging technology for the past 20 years. I spent 7 years at Apple (2000 - 2007), then 3 years traveling. After that I attempted a startup, followed by 5 years at Disney. Most recently, I helped build a conversational AI company as CTO and went through a successful acquisition from Envestnet in January 2019. As of January this year (2020) I've decided to go out on my own again and build something new. All that is a long way to say that this is a release of a side project I have been working on with my good friend David Miller of StartBootstrap. My goal is to spend the next few months ideating to figure out what I want to spend the next 3/5/10 years of my life on. I look forward to feedback on our Angular offering, and also to becoming a member of this community! / : ^ J
Sam Artioli
Some backstory as to how and why we created SB Admin Pro Angular