Talk to your team using video & voice clips.
JP Pincheira
/record by Standups β€” Send video & voice messages from Slack with an AI transcript
The best way to send video & voice messages directly on Slack with AI-powered transcripts! Type in `/record` to start recording a video or voice message.
When you're finished, your message gets uploaded to Slack as an attachment with its transcript attached.
Walter Chen
very cool, super low friction to recording a voice memo and sharing in slack. have there been any use cases outside of standups that you've seen with this that have surprised you?
Arjun Mahadevan
@smalter Thanks Walter πŸ’ͺ A couple which have popped out: investor deal memos, happy birthday wishes, 2 min brainstorms, post sales call recap, customer development summary talking to a user, investor updates, and generally speaking explaining complex concepts / topics more easily vs having to hop on a call!
Felipe ChΓ‘vez
Interesting product!
Grant Deken
Awesome concept. I like the idea of recording audio/video vs just typing in a standup. It makes it more human/connected, which is really interesting as we're all remote right now. Can't wait to see where you take it.
Arjun Mahadevan
@grdeken Thanks Grant! Human connection is key πŸ”‘
This has been a great way for our team to share updates with each other async! So much better than reading a wall of text!
JP Pincheira
The best way to send video (and voice!) messages directly on Slack with a transcript. Type in /record in any DM, group chat, or #channel to start recording a video or voice message. When you're finished, your video or audio is uploaded to Slack as an attachment with a transcript attached. AI-powered transcripts are fully searchable within Slack and powered by AWS Transcribe. Your message is also viewable on our web player with 10s +/- scrubbing and 2x speed playback. /record also works from your mobile device so you can send video or voice messages on the go! Here are some of the ways people use /record today: Β· To say something with video or voice, it's 6x faster than typing! (and there's a transcript so it's easy to read) πŸƒ Β· Wish someone happy birthday with a video 🍰 Β· Executive updates from leadership on company initiatives πŸ“ˆ Β· Explaining something complex asynchronously in Slack vs. having to find time to chat live πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Β· Sharing accomplishments, achievements, and wins πŸ₯³ Β· Turn a Slack channel into a video messaging app, like Marco Polo πŸ“Ή Oh, and our app is πŸ’―% free, with no trial πŸ˜ƒ Enjoy! If you have any questions, please reach out at hello@standups.io
Momcilo Milijasevic
I have been using Standups since the start of March and it has been one of the most helpful tools for me and teams that I work with. Great job guys!
Arjun Mahadevan
jiwon moon
Our team’s been using Standups to record founder pitches to share feedback. I can imagine us using this more and more as we get used to working asynchronously in different parts of the world. Go Standups team!!
Asfandyar Malik
@arjawn and @restrex seems very interesting. Is this going in direction of becoming a competitor to Loom one day.
Nicholas Hui
Super easy tool to use - just /record and start recording! Rather than for actual product standups, we've been using this tool basically anytime we want to send a Slack message over ~50 words long: i.e. just got off a client call and wanted to summarize it to the rest of the team, just came up with an idea and wanted to share, etc. Great job @arjawn and @restrex !
Arjun Mahadevan
@restrex @nickhui Thanks Nick! πŸ’ͺ
Rui Su
My team has been entirely remote over the last few months now, and I find that Standups has been super helpful to increase engagement, "facetime"/familiarity with my team, and very helpful for longer form async assignments and debriefs. Definitely give it a try :)
Martin Borchardt
what an amazing product! much needed, thanks guys
Arjun Mahadevan
@martin_borchardt1 Thank you Martin πŸ˜„
Looks cool!
Arjun Mahadevan
@jesus_verma Thanks Jesus πŸ™
Leonardo Ria
Great idea! Can't believe this isn't in Slack by default
Ruud Visser
Great way to improve async collaboration!
Arjun Mahadevan
@ruud_visser async collaborationjawn* πŸ˜„
Christopher Chae
Great product, especially if you're a remote team (aren't we all, at this point?).
Arjun Mahadevan
@chaeschris πŸ˜‚ True or false: "In the future we'll stay at home to work and go to work to socialize."