Email templates marketplace
Jeremie Berrebi
Stamplia API — Get thousands of email templates into your application
Jeremie Berrebi
I'm sure we will see a lot of uncommon applications powered by this one
Anuj Adhiya
Added to my email marketing collection:
Vincent Martinet
@anujadhiya Great collection Anuj!
Deyson Ortiz
Site is down. :(
Matthew Smith
@simooncave really interesting.
Simon Cave
@whale thanks Matthew :)
Vincent Martinet
@whale Thanks :)
Simon Cave
With the Stamplia API you can offer high-quality templates to your clients. Templates are tested on 30+ email clients and mobile devices. Our API allows both the email preview and spam test of the emails templates. In other words they will be able to access beautiful email templates without even leaving your application! All you need to do is plug your application to our API.
Palash Bagchi
The get it button goes to a broken link!