Nick Freiling

StampFans - A snail-mail publishing platform for creators


StampFans is a snail-mail publishing platform for creators. It's the most personal way to connect with your audience and get paid for your content.

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Nick Freiling
Hey! I'm Nick. I couldn't be more excited about this one ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Heard of Substack? ConvertKit? BeeHiiv? StampFans is like those, but with a BIG catch... StampFans is about REAL letters that you (creator) send to your fans (subscribers) every month. Write or create whatever you'd like, then upload the doc to your Dashboard. The StampFans platform will send it to ALL of your subscribers immediately via USPS. Yes, in the real mail. "Snail-mail." Ink-on-paper letters addressed to your followers' homes that will be held, read, treasured, and left out for everyone to see on desks and coffee tables. ๐Ÿ’Œ Oh. And not only is this 100% FREE, but creators GET PAID for every subscriber to their StampFans. Everything creators earn over $3/month (per subscriber) goes straight to their pockets. (StampFans keeps $3/sub/month for postage, paper, envelope, processing. Snail-mail ain't cheap!) In the Dashboard, creators can edit their StampFans title and description, see all of their subscribers' names, and see their expected monthly payout. They can also set their own monthly fee โ€“ it's all 100% customizable ๐Ÿ˜Ž So...why StampFans? How did I come up with this idea? Well, I did my research ๐Ÿ“Š Snail-mail open rates are 14X higher than email open-rates. Reading comprehension is 2X higher on paper than on a screen. And consumers are 4X MORE WILLING TO PAY for a snail-mail newsletter than for yet another email newsletter. There's just something about ink-on-paper. It makes content seem more real. More personal. More permanent. More worth a few dollars a month. StampFans is a snail-mail publishing platform for creators. It's the most personal way to connect with your audience and get paid for your content.
Karl Larson
@nickfreiling Very cool - congrats! Iโ€™ve wondered why this didnโ€™t already exist post-Substackโ€™s popularity ๐Ÿค” But how can you print and mail for only $3? Seems like itโ€™d cost that much just to print and mail like 20 pages? Or is there a page limit?
Nick Freiling
@karlslarson There is a page limit, yes. But no one has ever come close to it. 20 pages is a huge document to mail! What kind of content would that be?
Karl Larson
@nickfreiling Ahh that makes sense. I donโ€™t know who would need more than that โ€” thatโ€™s a ton of writing. Was more curious how it was even possible.
Nick Freiling
@karlslarson Yes. So far, Creators have uploaded anywhere from 2-6 page documents.
Tej Garikapati
Hey! Congratulations on the launch... probably the most innovative priduct I saw here in the past few months! I just have one question, if im uploading a doc, will my fans receive a printed copy of that doc or is there someone who is actually writing it down?? Thanks in advance.
Nick Freiling
@tej_sai Printed copy. Exactly what you upload.
Tej Garikapati
@nickfreiling That's great, coz now i can make the affiliate income by including qr codes too. I am a product growth specialist for young saas, would love to work if there is any opportunity. Apart from that, great product and wish you the best of luck!!
Annie Chopra
Okay, by far the coolest product I have EVER seen! I am going to start using this ASAP if for nothing else definitely to have my community to be motivated. Its funny, when I was younger I used to write big thank you notes and motivational messages once every couple of months to all my friends and they would get so happy and time and again I would do it by hand, its been a long time since I have done it- maybe something to do using the platform. Super super super cool!!!
Nick Freiling
@annie_chopra MASSIVE thanks! This is hugely encouraging to hear. Def reach out to me w any questions or ideas ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Nick Freiling
@superminnu We deliver only to the US, yes. But Creators can, or course, login from anywhere.
Congrats on the launch Nick. This is such an interesting concept. I find this quote very fascinating " And consumers are 4X MORE WILLING TO PAY for a snail-mail newsletter than for yet another email newsletter." Can you elaborate more on this stat?
Nick Freiling
@jgani I did a quick survey and described a piece of content. I asked respondents how much they'd be willing to pay for this content in an email. Then how much via snail-mail. Consumers are far more willing to pay for printed/snail-mail content than for email. Higher perceived value for something held in-hand than just a gated email (which few people even open).
Neel Patel
You convinced me with the copy written. Product sounds interesting. I'd love to check back with you on how creators would perceive this. Just saying because of my lack of understanding of this market.
Nick Freiling
@neelptl2602 Yes, it's a niche market for sure. And thanks about the copy!
Ruslan Pavlovich
Sounds fascinating, love bringing back the physical touch. Did I get it right from a business model perspective? 1. As a creator who has a following, I get my really big fans to also subscribe (on top of Substack) to a letter from me for a monthly price (e.g. 10$) 2. I create the content for these letter which then gets distributed by StampFans for 3$ per customer So you make 3 and I make the rest?
Nick Freiling
@ruslan_ponomarev Yes, exactly. We need $3 to cover postage, paper, envelope, processing, etc.
Tioluwani Akeju
Congratulations on the launch Nick! Can't wait to get my hands on this tool. Can't wait to see what comes of this tool.
Shane Yan
Going back to good ol' snail mail, love it! One thing that popped into my mind, how about introducing themed stationeries or even personalized ones for creators? I think it would really pack a punch and make it an even more memorable brand experience for subscribers. Congrats again on what sounds like a super cool and unique platform.
Nick Freiling
@shaneyan Great suggestion! Already on my To-do list ๐Ÿ˜‰
Aashish Peepra
@nickfreiling Hey Nick! ๐ŸŽ‰ StampFans sounds like such a unique and personal way for creators to connect with their audience! ๐Ÿ’Œ Curious, how does the platform handle the logistics of sending out physical letters to subscribers' homes? Excited to explore this innovative concept!
Nick Freiling
@aashish_peepra We work with two trusted partners than send billions of pieces of mail every single year. It's like clockwork!
Congratulations on the launch of StampFans! This innovative snail-mail publishing platform for creators is a refreshing and unique addition to the digital world. The concept of connecting with your audience through physical mail brings a highly personal touch that stands out in today's predominantly digital communication landscape.
Nick Freiling
@qiufeng Thank you ChatGPT!
Kazane Shimizu
Having a letter version of โ€œTales" to enjoy would be wonderful. Naturally, global delivery could be pricier, but the charm of letters is priceless.
Nick Freiling
@zane_jp Yes, charm. Great word! And I'm working on global delivery, but I have to add one country at a time, basically. So it's going to be a slow process.
Millie Crystal
StampFans offers a unique snail-mail publishing platform for creators, blending the charm of traditional mail with modern content creation. Best wishes on rekindling the personal touch in communication! How does StampFans handle distribution and ensure timely delivery?
Nick Freiling
@millie_crystal All letters are sent via USPS First Class. Timeliness depends on USPS, but they are amazingly consistent (and fast)!
Daxeel Soni
Wow, StampFans is such a refreshing take in this digital age! Loving the concept of personalizing connections through snail mailโ€“truly a charming way to engage with an audience. Just a thought, it might be cool to see a feature that tracks the journey of the mail for both the sender and recipient. What inspired the move back to traditional mail?
Nick Freiling
@daxeelsoni Tracking is in the works! And to answer your question: People are just sick of email. Many of us don't even open emails we pay for anymore. It's a big problem.
Dave Schools
Iโ€™ve always wanted to do something like this for my audience - I like special hold-it-in-your-hands moment it creates. Would be interesting to think through what content works best for postal mail versus an email newsletter or community post. Congrats Nick - watching and looking forward to trying this out. Zero cost up front is a no brainer to at least try it out.
Shahmir Faisal
Congrats on the launch Nick!
Liam Song
Good luck with the launch!
Lucas Evans
Amazing idea! Congratulations on the launch. What about emails going to the spam? Any protection against that issue?
Nick Freiling
@lucas_evans2 Against snail-mail going to spam???
Stefan Manku
Great to see StampFans on PH, Nick!
ava parker
Awesome concept! Congratulations on the launch!
Nick Freiling
@ava_parker1 Thank you! Have you signed up? I'd love your feedback.