@dbounds Hi Darren! We've taken the best of what's on careers.stackoverflow.com and moved it over to the main Stack Overflow website. The job board has gotten a lot smarter - it shows candidates recommended jobs based on your Stack Overflow activity and technology preferences. We're also collecting a lot more structured data from employers like salary, tech tags, industry, and benefits, which will give candidates more information upfront. There's a lot of work being done to improve the candidate experience - a better CV, improved search, and a whole bunch of features that make finding a better job suck less.
Getting developers jobs they love isn't a side project for us - it's very much a part of our overall mission to serve the community and advance the industry. Putting Jobs right next to Q&A should send a strong signal that we're committed to helping developers at work - whether that's helping them find answers to their questions or finding that next great opportunity.
@alexa@dbounds This really makes sense. As a designer and developer myself, it seems that integrating career opportunities as core feature into your empire is well done. It feels more apart of the stack discussion too. Cool.
@gady90 No need to! We're working on syncing SO profiles with CVs from SO Careers. Goal is to get to a place where everyone has one login that gets them access to Q&A, Jobs, and the other new content types we're building. Users will have the ability to determine what the community sees vs. employers (if they're on the job hunt)
@Alexa We'd love for you and the team to elaborate on this release :)
I think it makes sense for engineers to use one of their popular resources for jobs... are there going to also be other types of jobs on there? Say Product Manager, Technical Marketer etc?
Where do you source the jobs or are they directly uploading by individuals and approved your end?
@bentossell Thanks Ben! The majority of the jobs on there are for programmers, but we also have positions listed for designers, course instructors, and developer evangelists. Any job that requires coding skills or technical fluency fits the bill.
You can post directly through the website (http://careers.stackoverflow.com...) or speak to a member of our sales team. I always recommend the latter because you'll get a level of support from us that's pretty unprecedented in the industry. We really work with our clients to help them understand how to make their listings more effective and how to attract and retain the technical talent they're looking for.