Florin Muresan

Squirrly 2018 - Get on page 1 of Google search results

Squirrly 2018 guides non-SEO experts every step of the way and offers a wide variety of tools to help you rank higher in Google.

One of the links on the right is for the WP plugin. The other one is for the Web Application.

There are over 200 features available to keep you ranking, more here.

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Scott Bowler
That's a bold statement! Isn't link building still the key?
Florin Muresan
@scotty_bowler nope. it hasn't been for a while now. Of course, it depends on many other aspects.
Florin Muresan
@scotty_bowler for example I've ranked a blog that was about mobile game development (the blog is not operational now because the owner couldn't monetize his apps and he closed it after 3 years) because the content was over 3,000 words, had good time on page, low bounce rate, returning visitors and it was shared hundreds of times on social media platforms + it got reddit votes. He almost no backlinks to his site. About 15 backlinks overall. And it ranked for "free to play" "f2p development" "in-game crafting" and other keywords. Backlinking is just a part of the story, it no longer dictates the outcome like it used to.
@scotty_bowler @florin_muresan don’t hundreds of shares on social media count as back links?
Florin Muresan
@mickc79 No. They count as a different class of signals. If it were a D&D campaign (dungeons and dragons) it would be like the difference between a Paladin and a Fighter. Social media shares are called social signals and they indicate something different about your pages than the backlinks do. That's why they are treated differently. There are many classes of signals that "tell" search engines which pages are worth displaying higher in search results.
Florin Muresan
Update in 2020: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Squirrly 2020 will launch on the 30th of June 2020, on Product Hunt and Youtube. There will be prize drops on the page we'll have for Squirrly 2020. Amazing prizes to win just by being active on the feed. Thank you for checking us out on Product Hunt! I'm here if you need to ask the team from Squirrly anything about the new product. Squirrly 2018 loads 4 times faster than any other SEO tool for WordPress and offers 10 times more features than the rest. Official List of the Over 200 Features offered by Squirrly 2018: Steve for WordPress SEO https://trello.com/c/BSOkxHSv/11... You can check out the new web version that doesn't require a WordPress installation here: https://my.squirrly.co/login?act... With the 2018: Steve version we wanted to offer the most complex tool in simplest way possible, so that anyone who wants to get non-paid search traffic from Google can do so without having to be an SEO Expert. My main goal as a Maker, is to help you go from "Never Found" to "Always Found" on the first page of Google with as many pages as possible. This is not feasible with a small feature set. (we've tried) Having this in mind, I wanted to remove the feeling that there is much work to do on your end. We will add more and more features and it's important that you do not get to have many frictions with using Squirrly. It should be just you, with your website (or online store) and the tweaks you want to make. The features should be extensions of your work and workflows. SEO should be as seamless as possible. You want to do something -> Boom! -> you easily do it, without any complications. The Good news is that with Steve we went from 108 features (number of features available in Squirrly 2017) to over 200 features and the software is easier to use than ever. We've improved many details and after using Squirrly SEO 2018: Steve for the last three weeks on our network of websites, the older versions feel like ... pain. It's not easy for me to say this, but it is the truth. That's why I want to thank you for being patient and for your continued support. All of this new tech that we're building in there will soon allow us to build a new Assistant inside Squirrly that will coach you and mentor you on aspects that will help you get each page found on Google. It will be a custom "map" (not sure how to call it yet) for each page and you will not get generic advice. It will be clearly laid out for that particular page. Every page has a different optimization score, different chances of outranking competitors on that particular topic and many other "personal" details. Download Squirrly for your WordPress or try it out via our Web App in my.squirrly.co .
Rohit Alexander
@florin_muresan the web app is not accepting registrations? Why?
Florin Muresan
@rohitalexander Hi Rohit, thank you very much for the question. After feedback and after working on releases for new platforms, we've had to change the way accounts get created. Otherwise it would have generated many problems for account owners, and we want to avoid that. If you want, you can write to me at florin@squirrly.co and I will help you get an account for the web app.
Tanya Troska

I love the number of SEO tasks this one application tackles; replacing the need for other multiple installs, yet it's not heavy - no negative effects on site speed. I'd like to see 4040 error & 301 redirect added, page schema injection tools, or suggestedpage linking opportunities in upcoming buildouts.


Easy to setup and implement within minutes. The instant feedback makes content writing a strategic breeze!


I'd like to see compensatory feedback on the use of "like phrasing" or synonyms or custom image use on general meta.

Morgan Crozier
"You'll go from "Never Found" to Always Found on the First Page of Google." Quite a claim - it's crazy to think I can get my Credit Card Review Site site to page 1 for only $20/mo.
Florin Muresan
@morgan_crozier there's also a $70 USD / month plan https://plugin.squirrly.co/squir... The ability to rank depends a lot on your strategy, your Audit score (yes, for real. Because it looks at many factors which are important) and your web authority. We wanted to rank a blog post for "startup tools list" but then found an opportunity that was easier to rank for (for our site, because the results take into account personalized data) and had 9 times more monthly searches. There is the SEO Settings Assistant which helps you get started, then the SEO Live Assistant which helps you optimize your content for search engines and humans and the Audit which shows you how to improve your site. These are the main tools that help people get started with some good rankings.
Joefrey Mahusay
I love this plugin.. Very useful to me.
Agusti Fernandez Pardo
If I don’t want to touch wordpress what should I do?
Florin Muresan
@schpn There is a web app available: https://my.squirrly.co/login?act... << you can register here. It has the Keyword Research tool, the SEO Live Assistant and the Inspiration box. We'll add more of our tools to it very soon. We're already working on that.
Vegard Wikeby
Does this only support English as language of content to optimise, or can it be used effectively for foreign content optimisation as well?
Florin Muresan
@vegardwikeby thanks for the question. It supports 140 countries for keyword research data, google rank tracking (because we do serp checking based on location). As far as language of content to optimise goes, Squirrly 2018 supports any language. We've recently (September 2017) updated Chinese, Russian and Arab, where there were a couple of problems. Luckily our users helped us identify the bugs.
Joshua Jarvis

I actually think Squirrly is a great tool for novices and pros alike (who need reminders), but the SEO industry is already full of misleading information. So for that reason I decided to put in a non-positive, review.


Great general suggestions


Sorry, but "get on page 1 of google" - no one can claim this so false advertising.

Florin Muresan
Josh, thanks for the comment. I totally get that and I can assure you it was not our choice of words. The initial listing text we've made was changed here on the platform. It is not something that the Squirrly Company wrote.