Hi Product Hunters! Thank you @justinkan for hunting us!
We've been working really hard and are excited to share what we've built.
We built Squire to improve the experience of finding a barber and getting a haircut. On our platform you can discover the best barbershops in your city, book an appointment and then seamlessly pay and tip. In addition, we built a management system for barbers and shop owners to effectively run their business and get new customers.
Hunters can try out the app and get $5 off their first service. Just download the iOS app and use promo code HUNTERS.
Happy to answer any questions or recommend a good barber if you're in NYC, the Bay Area, Miami or Detroit.
@songe_laron Cool idea. How are you finding/onboarding new barbers? I'd imagine that's the biggest challenge. Also, do you/the team have experience working in barber shops?
@_jacksmith dunno. negotiate with bevel to offer discounts for trims at selected barbers through this app? negotiate with bevel to co-market this app in exchange for something that benefits them? use this app as a platform to connect bevel to new barbers and take a cut? (pardon the pun)
@cynicalgrinch i would imagine these barbers already have tools that they are comfortable with (eg: buzzers, scissors, etc). At the price of $199, a barber could buy 4-5 buzzers over the course of a life time. I've been using the same buzzer for the better part of 5 years. I just add oil every couple of months to keep the blades moving.
@cynicalgrinch@_jacksmith ...exactly that would be a very interesting partnership around outreach/marketing. Tristan Walker is the founder of Bevel and already has a great deal of marketing and momentum behind the new brand he has a pretty large list I can imagine of barber shops in key cities they can connect with on day 1 basically, Bevel also raised $50 million so I'm sure it wouldn't be a stretch to say they wouldn't be open to offering some king of discount...it could be a great long term partnership really.
I have used Squire in NYC -- I booked the first cut of the day at a shop a few weeks ago and the owner of the shop texted me personally to let me know he was running a bit late, and we seamlessly rescheduled for a bit later. Awesome experience, especially if you are new to a city and looking to find the best place and price for a cut. The barber also told me shops love Squire because they charge a flat fee per booking, not a commission like some of their competitors. Good luck, @songe_laron!
Looks good! Have thought about this a lot since I think many barbers could use better scheduling tools (I have to text mine and he sometimes forgets and double books). Definitely could use this when in new cities and in need of a shape up. Wondering if barbers can use this independently and come to you (as opposed to having to go to the barbershop)?
@frankdenbow Thanks Frank! A lot of barbers use text and it's really not an efficient way to schedule (requires too much back and forth and they inevitably double book sometimes). Right now we are sticking to barbers who work in shops.
@songe_laron, first off, this product looks great. I'd love to see something like a StyleSeat specifically for men's barbers develop here. My only concern is that I need to know if a barber is capable of cutting black hair before I make an appointment. So any filters for this would be excellent.
I just moved to Brooklyn from DC so am hoping to give this a shot!
@getbrandflakes Thanks for the feedback Brandon. Filters are coming soon. In the meantime, we have an in app concierge feature and you can ask for recommendations for barbers that specialize in certain cuts/hair types.
@songe_laron@davesalvant This looks great ha I was just getting a haircut the other day and they kept telling me to call beforehand, no one calls lol and I've had horrendous experiences in the Bay when I first moved here going to Salons and no one knowing how to cut my hair.
Their also is a discovery problem especially for new barbershops moving into new neighborhoods...excited to see how you guys are going to address this in various cities. Where most of them basically stay hidden for quite a bit if the location isn't ideal prime.
I'd love to grab coffee with you guys and hear more about this!
Btw what's your personal recommendation for a good barber in the Bay Area?
@nicholassheriff@davesalvant Thanks Nicholas, those are exactly the problems we are solving! In the Bay Area I would recommend San Francisco Barbershop in the Mission. Excellent barbers and they cut all kinds of hair. Would love to catch up some time, shoot me a DM on Twitter @songelaron
Awesome! When you want to launch in Portugal, hit me up. I own the major beard care company here and I can get you to the right people. Keep up the good work.
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