Esther Crawford

Squad for web (Acquired by Twitter) - Video chat + watch Netflix, YouTube & TikTok with friends


Acquired by Twitter in 2020. Goodbye loneliness. With Squad for desktop web, you can watch your favorite streaming services in a 9 person room - voice, video & chat included. No extension or install. Search and watch YouTube, TikTok and movies together.

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Esther Crawford
I'm excited to launch Squad for desktop web! πŸ’» This furthers our mission of reducing loneliness and increasing human connection, which is needed now more than ever. By expanding from our iOS and Android apps to the web, we're making it even easier to experience the same thing as your friends. Our screen sharing is optimized specifically for watching videos so you can use any streaming service while video or voice chatting. We've designed it for watching long form content together, like TV shows and movies, so you can be together when you're physically apart. Here are a few things I think you'll love: 🍿 Voice, video and chat while watching literally anything πŸ’œ It's a living room, not a stage -- each room can hold 9 people -- and just like at home, only 1 person needs to log in to their streaming service to screen share with the room πŸ“£ Open a room, copy the link, and have friends instantly join you from the desktop web or inside our iOS and Android apps πŸ‘€ Browse & cowatch YouTube, TikTok and select movies, no screen sharing required πŸ“Ί Connect or cast your laptop to your TV for an immersive experience Squad is 100% free. The best tip you can give is telling a friend. 😍 It's very early days for us and for the web experience, but we wanted to get it into your hands to use now. We've got a lot of fun stuff planned on iOS, Android and the Web, so stay tuned. Our team would love to hear your feedback and ideas!
Thomas Potaire
@esthercrawford Not having to signup is πŸ’―πŸ”₯ The free movies were buffering for multiple seconds every other second. It could be my computer though. I don't like to talk during movies and I directly don't use TikTok/Youtube. If Squad continuously picked the content like a 24/7 playlist of TikTok and/or Youtube videos and also allow participants to add to the playlist then I think I'd be more interested. Is Netflix & Chill still a thing when I spend 45 minutes figuring out what to watch?
Esther Crawford
@teapot I definitely believe that people should choose what they want do while coviewing content... in some cases video/audio make a ton of sense... in others, the chat box is sufficient. Since most of our users are teens, YouTube/TikTok are super important. As for the free movies buffering -- will look into it! Thx for the feedback! πŸ˜ƒ
Esther Crawford
@rhaivimies we appreciate the support!
Erin Frey
Top Product
@esthercrawford I was just telling someone that I wished there were better solutions for watching shows with friends. I can't wait to try this!
Ryan Hoover
Great timing with this launch, @esthercrawford and team. 🍿
Esther Crawford
@rrhoover thanks! we started working on it with the belief that the web would play an important role for us in 2020 -- obviously now with people being at home it makes even more sense. One big surprise was how many beta testers connect their laptop to their TV to watch together on the big screen. We've got a "theater mode" coming later on to give even more real estate to the movie you're watching together. 🎬
Grant Wilkinson
How am i getting movies for free on here?
Prasenjit Mukherjee
Just had a watch party for a conference talk for an hour with my remote team flawlessly :). This is amazing and just what we need! It would be nice to have better audio level control so people can have sidebar conversations like we can IRL. Generally, featuring the stream more prominently (audio + video window size) would be awesome!
Rabi Gupta
Love this. Excited to try this with our remote team πŸ˜€πŸ˜
Esther Crawford
@rgupta29 yessss - team movie time!
Ellen Choi
looks amazing! can't wait to give it a try.
Esther Crawford
@lnchoi would love your feedback for how to make it better! :) we've got a bunch more stuff coming out in the next few weeks but took the YC approach here of launching as soon as we could
Anna Van Tuinen
I've been looking for an app to watch movies with friends during the quarantine. Can't wait to try!
Esther Crawford
@anna_van_tuinen would love your feedback for how to make it better after you try it! :) my email is
Jonathan Graf
Our family had Movie Night together using Squad desktop web, and it felt like we were in the same room even though we're in different states. The screen sharing was simple to use and we were together again, except no one stole my popcorn. So that's a plus.
Wow no sign up + no install. This is perfect for family get togethers with my parents :)
Roland HorvΓ‘th
Metin Ekinci
du schreibt mir whatsapp metin nummer 015251920760
Lil Splash
How do you watch Netflix on squad?
Donna McKellips Earl
Easy to use.
James Futhey
Very polished app! But, are those just a bunch of pirated movies thrown in on the side?
Nicolas Valot
is there a way to activate settings on this website ? Google Chrome doesn't let me do that on this website
Antonio Terracciano
this is cool!
Evans Ibok
Just got the mobile app, doesn't seem like there's ability to watch videos from these services on the App. The web app is great though!
Suleiman Zakari Mohammed
Love the app, shared it with all my friends and co-workers since we are working remote and everyone loves how polished this is. Wanted to ask if you guys are working on alternative layouts? Such as having main screen being centre with the video feed of participants in a strip form below. Either ways LOVE the app, thanks for sharing.
Alex Peters
I used an inferior product yesterday which did not work too well to watch a film with my parents. Glad to have found your product!
Bibin Mathew
it's really a great idea and your execution is my thought the social shopping feature will be gamechanging feature...well done team..and all the best