Thank you @bramk for hunting Landscape!
Hi Product Hunters,
My name is Michael and I worked with the team at Sprout Social that created Landscape. Landscape is an image resizing platform that makes it easy for social marketers, content creators and business owners to keep up with the ever-changing image size requirements of social networks. Simply upload a single image, choose all of the social networks and post types you’d like to resize your image for, and guide a cropping tool to create perfectly optimized social media images.
Landscape was actually born out of a Hackweek idea that I submitted to the team at Sprout Social. I pitched the idea to the company and helped lead the team that went on to finish off the product you see today. I'd love to hear what you all think about the tool!
@rosssheingold Well now there are :) That's a big reason we wanted to use Product Hunt, to get an idea of what functionality users are interested in. It's such a new tool to us, so this feedback is key. I can't guarantee any timing, as we're piecing our roadmap together still, but I'll make sure it's noted.
Hey @mpatterson22 we'd love to partner and offer this as a service "Powered by Sprout Social" to our customers that are asking for this exact functionality. Is it possible to start the process with a URL parameter of an image rather than uploading?
@parterburn Hey Paul - that functionality isn't built out quite yet, but it's an incredibly interesting proposal. Could you email me and we'll stay in touch? Michael at Sprout Social dot com.
@jdquey Definitely! Actually the idea stems from one of our most popular blog posts which aggregates all of the social media image sizes for each network. We knew that it was an important topic for our audience, and we figured there must be a better way to solve that problem.
@mpatterson22 I checked it Micheal and there was an issue with back button but then I was unable to replicate the issue. Maybe some temporary problem. Overall I like the idea and the interface as it's super easy to use and understand.
I like this. It reminds me a lot of DesignFeed ( minus the ability to add stylized text overlays. Something I'd be curious to hear about for future features, @mpatterson22.. are there plans to expand beyond just resizing and into design/text overlay (and beyond)?
@theryanrobinson Hi Ryan. Thanks for that feedback! We do plan to add some additional design capabilities to Landscape, though to what extent is hard to say at the current time. We really wanted to get a good idea of what our users would like, so knowing that it's something you're interested in definitely helps the case to make it more robust.
Another great tool by Sprout Social.... and it's FREE! The guys and gals over at Sprout Social and Bambu By Sprout are an amazing group of individuals who make amazing products.
Just stumbled upon this -- awesome stuff!
I experienced a similar issue every time when I would need to make ad creatives across social platforms so I made something similar to this ( - which lets you create ad creatives/images for Facebook/Instagram/Twitter in seconds with cropping features specific to each network).
Anything that speeds up the painful process of launching social content is welcome!
Man, I love this idea. I've spent way too many hours resizing the same photo eighteen different ways.
That being said, I just gave it a try with a simple red/white logo, and the compression rendered the outputted files unusable. It went from a clean, crisp 2-color logo on my end to a jumbled mess of pixels. Any plans to support compression/quality controls? Even as a paid feature, I'm sure a lot more people would be willing to use it knowing the photo isn't getting destroyed in the process.
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