Chris Watland

Sprout - Fast & simple daily planner

Sprout is a daily planner that brings together your to-dos, notes, bookmarks, and project information to reduce overwhelm.

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Ziggy Crane
I mean, shameless basecamp copy. Even the color theme is the same.
Chris Watland
@ziggy_crane1 Thanks for critique Ziggy! I respect how Basecamp can take an inherently complex product and break it down simple ways. Folks interested in Basecamp likely wouldn't be interest in Sprout (vice versa). Basecamp does a wonderful job giving medium size teams, that struggle to grok it's organizational workflow, a pre-built solution to reduce workplace complexity. The core workflow is completely different. Sprout focuses on providing an excellent solo/single player daily organization experience. It requires lighter, faster, daily planner to process the overwhelming amount of information we process on a daily basis. This consumer experience can be shared with your team. The non-core lipstick visual stuff changes on a weekly basis. We've already completely revised the public site 5 times – it will probably change again next week 😂 I'd love to hear any critique of the core workflow if you're willing to try it out – it's free. Ping me at if you'd like a personal demo via Zoom.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@ziggy_crane1 @watlandc this may have gone lost on you Chris, but since you seem to be keen on professional feedback.. The fact that you speak so nonchalantly about essentially duplicating another product’s visual language and design — visibly, although far from as mature and as balanced — speaks more about your initiative than you seem to think. Ziggy didn’t call out how Sprout flows, what it tries to solve or how. The fact that you made no effort to acknowledge his question, in itself sends a message that I believe you might want to try and see the value of. User experience, IxD and visual language is as important a piece of IP as everything else. Since we all build things based on how functional ideas can solve for specific problems, the way that visual interfaces and languages interact with the human eye is just as meaningful. Just as “one’s own”. >>> This one isn’t yours. In one way or another, people will surely find something interesting in your solution. So, make it truly yours. It’s a great base and I’m sure you can do a lot better. So, be better; and try to listen more along the way. Sure, there’s a lot of garbage that our ears are preferably best left without. However, the trick is to adjust your sensors to try and capture value from virtually everything and everybody, as much as possible. His comment to you was VERY valid. You’ll do great and your life will be much MUCH easier. All the best.
Szewai Lee
Simple yet powerful tool to gather ideas and organize links. I use the “Agenda” feature every day to keep track of daily tasks. Besides personal use, I use it to collaborate with my team. It’s an awesome tool that we can’t live without!
Chris Watland
@cyszewai We're grateful that these latest features have been helpful. Thank you for you feedback.
Szewai Lee
@watlandc Will there be any new features in the upcoming months?
Chris Watland
@cyszewai Yes, a notable feature that we've received a lot of feedback on is our upcoming Google Calendar integration. Currently, when planning tasks for your day and upcoming week you have to open your calendar separately to view your non-task events. Opening the calendar separately adds friction and things can slip through the cracks. The Agenda will remain simple as it is now, except you will have the option to enable your Google Calendar events to display directly above next 7 days of your Agenda. By combining your Sprout items and Calendar Events on the same page, you have only one place to check to get a more complete view of your day and upcoming events. Most to-dos apps expect you to schedule a due date for everything you do, they don't honor the difference between your "events" and "tasks". We intend for Sprout to do a better job better delineating and centralizing these two types of information. Unlike most to-dos apps, we already delineate between "When" you want to work on something and "Deadlines" (which are used more sparingly). You can of course select which of your calendars you would like to appear on your agenda. Related, we also have an "Agenda Email" in the works. If you have events or items on your Agenda, we'll send you a daily Agenda Email showing your plans for the day (which you can of course opt-out of). I hope you love these new features!
Joseph Abraham
@cyszewai congrats on the launch 🚀 I believe my days are going to be more productive, will share this with my team as well 🙌
Carolina Nucamendi
I love this product. We’ve been using Asana to keep track of priorities but it’s so much more complex than what we need. Love the simplicity and organization. Congrats on the launch!
Chris Watland
@carolinanmd Thank you Carolina! We feel the same way. We found that it was hard to build a daily routine with other organizational tools out there because they're just not – fun to use? We would rather have a product that you use 80% of the features daily oppose to only using 20% (with an additional 80% of features only creating noise).
Manas Sharma
@watlandc congratulations on the launch, the product looks fab 🚀
Chris Watland
@manas_sharma 🙌 Thanks Manas, we really appreciate it!
Chris Watland
@manas_sharma Congrats! Happy to checkout it out. Will do so now.
Nic Coates
Congrats on the launch @watlandc! Sprout looks really elegant and simple, just what a daily planner should be! I always like to plan my day out. Excited to give this a try 👍
Chris Watland
@gadgick Thanks Nic! Ping me at if you'd like a personal walkthrough in setting up via Zoom. We have a Google Calendar integration in the works that give you more complete view of your day for daily planning.
Greg McKibben
Terrific product with robust yet simple functionality. Love the notification component and the ability to delegate tasks to other team members using the platform is wildly efficient for decentralized teams.
Chris Watland
@greg_mckibben Thanks Greg! Your feedback in using the product has a been super helpful.
John Guidos
Easy to use interface and I appreciated the new organization style. Excited to see future iterations! Nice work with this product.
Chris Watland
@john_guidos Thanks John! I really appreciate you sharing your feedback. 🙌
This is amazing!
Chris Watland
@zeng 🙌
shankarling Kalashetty
Daily planners and productivity ✅️ can't wait to try this planner. congrats on the launch 🥳
Chris Watland
@shankarling_kalashetty Woot! Can't wait to hear how it works for you. If you would ever like a personal walkthrough via Zoom, ping me at
Jennifer Primard
Congrats on the launch! Very simple and clean agenda.
Chris Watland
@jennifer_primard Thank you! This is our focus, so we're very glad to hear it 🙏
Erica Lee
I can see myself using this for group travel planning with friends and family who might not live close to you!
Chris Watland
@eunca That's a great use case for Sprout. I just did the same for a recent holiday trip. If you try it out, please let me know how it works for you. btw - just looked at your PH profile. Your Benefits With Friends site sound really useful. I often want to throw out a question outside of of my network, but there's really no service that does exactly that. Just jumped on your waitlist.
Erica Lee
@watlandc Thank you Chris for checking my landing page out :D As you saw, I just have a landing page built, and I'm trying to figure out where to get my first handful of audience who would be interested in such product.
Kyrsten Poplawski
Nothing better than simplicity!
Brandon Mendelson
I've been using this product for over a year now. Mostly as a substitute for the long lost, which Yahoo bought and destroyed. I've been thrilled to see the more recent additions that make Sprout more than just a place for links, and turn it into a simplified planner that I use to start my day. Definitely recommended.
Chris Watland
@bjmendelson Thanks for the eloquent description of your experience 🙏 When we first started working on this, finding a good way to save and share a curated collection of links was the focus (like a syllabus). It later evolved to help take action and do more with those saved links oppose to collecting dust.
Deepak Kumar Prabakaran
Sounds interesting; I have signed up now. The UI looks inspired by
Chris Watland
@deepak09 Thank you so much for checking out Sprout! Regarding the `visual design` Hey, Pinterest, and other apps that take take a minimal simple approach to reduce overwhelm were inspiration. I plan on spending more time on the visual design front of Sprout to experiment more, innovate, and settle into a more unique visual language. 90% of time with Sprout as been spent crafting the product workflows – striving to solve my own needs for a simple, minimal-looking, yet powerful – daily planner. I reached a point where the product is sticky for me and I don't see a replacement. I'm interested in getting more feedback on how it works for others. If you're willing to share, I'd love to hear any unfiltered feedback on how well it works for you as a daily planner. No worries about hurting my feelings :) btw – it looks like you're working on a lot of interesting stuff and I wish you luck on those endeavors. 🙌
Deepak Kumar Prabakaran
@watlandc Hey Chris, I have begun creating leaf's and setting up my project on Sprout! So far, I love it. It needs a few more functionalities like Export Leaf and Boards (Like trello inside a Leaf). But I'm going to keep using this! If you want to connect with me, check
Chris Watland
@deepak09 Thanks for the feedback! I'll track the exporting of leaves/trees request. Just checked out your page and followed.
Chris Watland
Hey everyone! We’re excited to share Sprout – Fast, simple, daily planner. Sprout brings together your to-dos, notes, bookmarks, and project information to reduce overwhelm. Information is organized into tree-like groupings. Unlike to-dos apps, Sprout trees are nest-able allowing you to save diverse kinds of information. We tried all the task and project management apps and found them to be too restrictive or too complex. The core workflows of Sprout are: ✅ Organization - save diverse kinds of information together in tree-like groupings. ✅ Agenda - daily planner to manage your information flows. ✅ Links - save an process online information faster. We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions! You can also reach us at Try creating a free personal or team workspace and overcome overwhelm today! 👉
sowmya k s
Chris Watland
@sowmya_k_s Thank you 🙏
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
Grats on the launch! I really like the theme and simplicity here - getting a lot of Hey inbox / Basecamp vibes 😊
Chris Watland
@saasdesigner Thanks Bren! One design pattern that I've seen before, but Hey seems to have reinvigorated is the bottom toolbar. It reminds me of the buttons on a F1 race car steering wheel – available at your fingertips, but out of your way as to not distract. I checked out your PH profile – just followed for growth tips 🙌