Braden ran our Design MBA class through the GV sprint process about a year ago. It was super fun to see how quickly we could get good ideas refined. It made getting results in our Business Models studio so much easier.
Doing a Design Sprint with the GV team was one of the most important weeks of my career as a product designer. At the end of the week I knew it was the way I always wanted to work on design projects but never could quite articulate. I felt like we did three months of work in 5 days. Buy this book and commit to trying a sprint for just 5 days and see for yourself.
I just bought it from a store in Prague, Czech Republic. I am still reading it, but I like it so much. I would choose another title, tho, because "Sprint" for me, in the Agile World means slightly different thing :) Kudos!
@jakek I'm in Denmark, it might be a local thing, but still weird. I would expect an ebook to be at least 50% off the printed editon (considering printing, paper, shipping, warehousing, etc.). Here what it looks like with me:
We had the Jake and the GV team in our office running through their design sprint process back in November. Since then we've done 5 further sprints, and it's been a real gamechanger in making decisions quickly to test ideas as fast as possible.
When I was interning at a startup called Fullscreen last summer I participated in a 5 day sprint (based on the GV sprint) and it was extremely valuable. We were able to show off a rather slick product at the end of the week and everyone was impressed with how much we were able to get done in a short amount of time, little did they know we were using Keynote to do all of it. It was rather tiring process, especially if you do it right, but well worth the time.
The only problem that I found was when we separated into groups to make the prototype, we didn't have a consistent design and thus, the better-designed (color choices, font, etc) product ended up being liked by the most people. We were still able to take away a lot of valuable customer feedback from the other prototypes, but that's the only thing I'd change, I'd make sure no color is added and that everyone has a similar design.
@benbowdene Awesome to hear the sprint was so successful! Something you might try: instead of using no color at all (which can make customers not take the prototype completely seriously) maybe get a color/font theme from someplace like
Jake taught me how to run design sprints 3 years ago at CustomMade and I can honestly say its changed the way I build products. I'm so impressed with the whole GV Design Staff and their approach to building products.
If anyone is interested in hearing Jake talk about the book – we're hosting a talk and Q&A about the book March 24.
Can wait for the event in the evening. To contribute, just a little bit, I've created a wiki page for Design Sprints. Something that didn't exist until today.
@soerenes Definitely works for all kinds of things. We've run sprints with hardware, healthcare, finance, and food startups. And we've heard about sprints in education, government, and consultancies.
Hustle X