Kevin William David

Company Advisory verification by SpringRole - Verify ICO advisors on the Blockchain

SpringRole has developed a blockchain powered protocol for professional attestations.

When an advisor claims they're an advisor for a company, this claim can be verified and attested by someone in the company. Similarly, when a company claims that a person is an advisor to them, the claim can be verified and attested by the advisor.

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Kartik Mandaville
Thanks @kwdinc for hunting us :) My name is Kartik and I'm the founder of SpringRole. I'm happy to announce that we have launched our first product feature- company advisory verification on the blockchain. Did you know that it is a common practice in today’s #fakeinformation world where startups (many ICO companies) use random advisor names for their benefit? This problem exists the other way too, a lot of advisors who are just starting up use names of companies without their consent while they try to get new gigs. At the core, the problem is user-generated content which is not validated. We are on a mission to eliminate situations like these. With SpringRole, you can protect your company's and advisors' online professional identity and hence promote trust. As a big fan of product hunt, I have decided to offer you'll a 100% discount. The code is PRODUCTHUNT to avail $25 off. Do give in your feedback, I'm happy to take questions!
Able Joseph
Much needed feature proving a good use-case for the blockchain.
Anurag Dwivedi
Congratulations on being hunted :-D @kar2905. I might have mentioned this to someone before. A narrow use-case for me is with freelancers, another micro segment with a massive fraud problem. For clients/companies looking for expert freelancers for a job, even if at a premium, there is no way to verify their claims, recos beyond their word. If gig economy is the future of employment, this will not remain a micro segment and some community verification method has to be built to solve this.
Kartik Mandaville
@_anuragdwivedi Yes - this is a very valid point. Its something which we are building now. I'll send you the link to our invision prototype soon and would love your feedback.
Swaroop Hegde

I have been beta-testing this for a month now, great team and execution. When building CryptoVigil last year, I would run into a bunch of scammy ICOs with fake advisors and this product goes a long way to solve it. Can't wait to see everything else SpringRole has in store.


A real use case of blockchain

Simple UX

No gas costs


Needs more PHers using it :)

Felix Precious
I hope for the best for this project. Good luck to your team
This is really cool! 👍 Have a general Q: How do you folks see identity evolve on blockchain network(s)? Let's say SpringRole holds my professional identity, something like Civic holds my personal identity, and then there are banks, government agencies et. al. tying to replicate/hold identity on private blockchains. Where does this all lead to? One would think "one person = one identity" in the world of blockchain. Do you see all these networks working together? Thoughts? TIA :)
Kartik Mandaville
@go_rishi Yes. We actually integrate Civic in our product. Blockchain identity will be similar to google, facebook, linkedin etc. Each of them will work through APIs.
Alex Waters
Awesome use case for blockchain technology. Attestation is low cost and super powerful. As a primitive to many concepts in the digital world: stronger authentication and attestation could significantly reduce fraud.
Cyrus Taghehchian
Being a long time blockchain nerd, it’s hard to come across anyone these days that understand the underlying technology. Kartik and his team impressed me with their technical understanding of Ethereum and built one of the better dApps I’ve seen offered today. Excited to see this project go mainstrain and grow!
Sai Srikar
Springrole's feature will provide relief to the parched industry of blockchain in terms of legitimacy. This will bolster trust among both the advisors and the ICOs and the ICOs and their investors. Great job by @kar2905 and his team
Tom Teman
Hi Everyone, I'm Tom and I'm the CEO and co-founder of Portis ( We are immensely proud to be a part of this amazing project. We're not only enabling SpringRole users to interact with the system's smart contracts, we're also a customer ourself and have registered Portis on SpringRole :) SpringRole didn't look at blockchain technology and tried to force an idea on top of it, but instead took an actual problem that already exists and used the blockchain to solve it in a straightforward manner. Their latest offering of approved advisors answers such an important need in today's ICO ecosystem and I am certain they will continue rolling out more and more awesome features as they continue to grow!
Siddharth Menon
Great hunt! All the best!
Vivek Sancheti
This will be good use case in true sense. @Kartik we would like to interview you guys on how can we discuss more about it?
Abhash Kumar
@kartik @evivz write to kartik(at)springrole(dot)com
Kartik Mandaville
@evivz thank you. Drop us an email

Eager to recommend others to try this experience...


Interesting product that enables us interact with blockchain


Still not yet tested

Naman Sarawagi

Much needed product given how rampant fake advisor listing has become in the world of ICOs.


Easy to use



Jeremy Cai
I've been watching Kartik and SpringRole closely from their early days a few years ago and it's been truly phenomenal what they've been able to accomplish in such a short time. Kudos on this launch!
Nayan Mittal
SpringRole is a need of the hour. It becomes so difficult to scan through CVs and Resumes only to find out the actual skillset is not even close to what is mentioned in the CV. As an organisation, having verified advisors not only helps us become more credible in the market but also it means more business. Long way to go Blockchain & SpringRole. All the best!
Paul Murray
Byteball already has various attestations to prove identities using Jumio Byteball is like Ethereum but it has an end user friendly interface and smart contracts anyone can read (Ethereum is only for developers, end users need to trust developers code). Byteball also uses DAG where Ethereum uses Blockchain
Apurv Agrawal
Love the application! There is an incredible team behind this who would make this hugely successful.
Abhash Kumar
@apurv_agrawal thanks Apurv. Appreciate the vote of confidence 🙏😇
Dino Costopoulos

Ive been in the blockchain a little more then a year. I was fortunate enough to find this project and out of all the projects I have supported or used, SpringRole by far provides the most information and updates then all the others combined. THANK YOU FOR THE HARD WORK.


Use of Blockchain when promoting yourself or in identifying others who have the correct skills sets.


Maybe a little more effort into the designs, style, feel of product, so it easily adapted and accepted into the main stream.


People can be sure of authenticity of career claims


Blockchain attestation

