Company Advisory verification by SpringRole - Verify ICO advisors on the Blockchain
SpringRole has developed a blockchain powered protocol for professional attestations.
When an advisor claims they're an advisor for a company, this claim can be verified and attested by someone in the company. Similarly, when a company claims that a person is an advisor to them, the claim can be verified and attested by the advisor.
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EngageWith Suggestion Box
EngageWith Suggestion Box
EthVigil Tutorials
I have been beta-testing this for a month now, great team and execution. When building CryptoVigil last year, I would run into a bunch of scammy ICOs with fake advisors and this product goes a long way to solve it. Can't wait to see everything else SpringRole has in store.
Pros:A real use case of blockchain
Simple UX
No gas costs
Cons:Needs more PHers using it :)
EngageWith Suggestion Box
Makerbox for Product Hunt
EngageWith Suggestion Box
How many BMWs?
EngageWith Suggestion Box
Eager to recommend others to try this experience...
Pros:Interesting product that enables us interact with blockchain
Cons:Still not yet tested
Much needed product given how rampant fake advisor listing has become in the world of ICOs.
Pros:Easy to use
How many BMWs?
Ive been in the blockchain a little more then a year. I was fortunate enough to find this project and out of all the projects I have supported or used, SpringRole by far provides the most information and updates then all the others combined. THANK YOU FOR THE HARD WORK.
Pros:Use of Blockchain when promoting yourself or in identifying others who have the correct skills sets.
Cons:Maybe a little more effort into the designs, style, feel of product, so it easily adapted and accepted into the main stream.
People can be sure of authenticity of career claims
Pros:Blockchain attestation