Pieter Walraven

Spotted by Locals - Experience cities like a local


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Pieter Walraven
@spottedbylocals @bartvanpoll any learnings from managing your global community of dedicated spotters? :)
Bart van Poll
@PieterPaul Thanks for asking Pieter! We're happy we quickly recognized: our community of our Spotters (from 57 cities in North America and Europe) - that's what Spotted by Locals is all about! We handpick all Spotters and meet them all in person. We're on the road for 6 months a year. Fun (I can't think of a better job), but also very useful. This is how we can vouch for all our Spotters: they speak the local language, live in the city they write about and love their city. We're very happy we created an online community for our Spotters, and organize meetings for all our 310 Spotters. In 3 weeks 110 Spotters will be coming to Amsterdam for a hopefully amazing weekend!
Anuj Adhiya
I've known about them since at least 2011. What's so different/new that they're on PH now?
Bart van Poll
@AnujAdhiya Great to hear you've already known about @spottedbylocals for a few years! I don't think I'm the right person to ask why we've been covered on PH - but I do know Product Hunt didn't exist yet in 2011 ;) Do you have any experience following our locals' tips via our blogs or apps? In which city? Let me know how you liked them!