Jared Erondu

Harassment Training from Spot - Sexual harassment training that actually works.

Spot is an anonymous harassment & discrimination reporting tool that makes it safer for employees to speak up & easier for HR to follow up. Today they're launching sexual harassment training that reimagines the dated, ineffective training programs of the past.

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Jessica Collier
Sexual harassment is a bigger umbrella than most of us realize. Spot’s training offers diverse, nuanced scenarios that address topics such as gender identity and sexual orientation, while also taking care to focus on people’s similarities rather than their differences. We built training so that everyone can learn something new from it. Training is delivered in mobile-friendly, digestible 10-minute episodes—1 hour total for employees, 2 hours for supervisors. Each episode ends with 2-3 survey questions so that HR gets helpful insights as team members move through the training episodes. For decades, companies have poured time and money into harassment training that doesn’t work. Research shows that most traditional training is ineffective and can actually make the problem worse, yet employees are continually asked to participate in these counterproductive programs. Spot understands that changing behavior requires building trust between employees and HR, educating people without accusing them, and providing tools to safely and confidently speak up when things do go wrong.
Mano Ranjan M
think how to localise images and text content. you have a huge market at the bottom
Luca Marchal
Crazy well designed product. Well done guys.
Jessica Collier
@luca_marchal thank you!
Anna Costalonga
it seems a fantastic product, the only con I see is maybe the pricing plan - a bit too expensive, IMHO
Wonderful Solutions
Very nice Product! The POSH Act has brought about great awareness about gender sensitization and sexual harassment at Workplace!
Beneficial training program, online PoSH training is the need of the hour.
Wonderful Solutions
The amazing product today's working women require is - posh training online.