Launched a major update recently, and our Android app a few months back! Spiral is a public forum based on your location. Reconnect with the community around you, whether you're at home, school, or a music festival; Spiral travels with you.
@ggiaco I have been supporting and watching your app since its very beginning back in last June. It was quite the first time I found a intuitive way to connect with people nearby.
I am curious to know why did you choose not to preselect a given radius for social interaction – and decided to make it variable from 1 mile to the whole Earth from the beginning on? (In that it's different from FireChat, or YikYak or Shortwave).
@s_guigue Thanks Simon! I think at the core is a belief that communities are different. A 3 mile radius in New York means something quite different from a 3 mile radius in Silicon Valley/ Stanford. Our approach has been to solve this through a best fit by dynamically setting the radius based on content/user density, and then providing a filter/dial to manually adjust. We can also "draw" communities (e.g. Yankee Stadium or UT Austin) and have the radius default to that.
Here is a quick tip if you use iCloud or Gmail. Prefix your signup email before the @ with "+mail2self" and now you can keep track of where the email is coming from.
This is a great app. I tried Pocket etc, but always forget to check it so this saves me a lot of time by just sending to my email.
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