Kevin William David

Spaces - Writing app that never breaks your flow ✍️

Spaces provides a clean, distraction free writing environment with intelligent features. Create beautiful notes, add infinite tags & connect everything via backlinks, all in real time.
Available on iPhone, iPad & Mac.

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Joey Harris
Is the LTD already over?
Akshit Banta
@aeronic it's still available Joey. Click on 'Launch Offer' (in settings on Mac & in sidebar on iPad, iPhone) :)
Joey Harris
@akshitbanta I think because I signed up for the Premium Trial it's no longer showing me the Lifetime Launch Offer (which I didn't see in the first place on my bad). The trial is already tied to my Apple ID so I'm not sure how to indicate that I want the launch offer. I don't mean to cause so much trouble.
Akshit Banta
@aeronic thank you! the upcoming update make it even better!
Apoorv Jain
👋 Hey Product Hunt! I’m Apoorv, one of the founders of Spaces. Our main vision while building Spaces was to create a clean, distraction-free writing environment for whenever you need to focus on your words. Here's what we built to achieve that: 1. Instant Markdown with automatically hiding syntax (as soon as you move your cursor away). 2. Instant tagging using hashtags with unlimited nesting. 3. Focus Mode & Mark Line that highlights the current line/paragraph. 4. Automatic suggestion of tags based on your past usage. 5. No need of selecting a word to format it, just put your cursor on it & choose the formatting. 6. Live updating word count in the toolbar (in touchbar for MacOS). This was the editor functionality. But there's more to a writing tool than just the editor. So after building the very essential features like pin, archive, delete etc., we went deeper: 1. Built everything natively & significantly reduced app load time. 2. Placed majority of the options at the bottom for better UX (phones are getting bigger) & so that the user never sees any option while the keyboard is open. 3. Added drag & drop support, keyboard shortcuts & a spotlight like search. 4. Analysed over 15 fonts & selected the perfect one for both writing & reading. 5. Analysed over 25 top writing apps to pick the most essential features of them all. 6. Added a never seen before feature for a writing app, 'Mark to Read'. 7. Added small, less noticed but essential things missing from other writing apps like multiple selection, proper sectioning between pinned & unpinned notes, add to favorites, sub formatting inside todos, lists and headings etc. We've been beta testing the product for the last 5 months and are now ready to share it with the Product Hunt community. We're super excited for you to give it a try and can't wait to hear what you guys think! Spaces is currently available on iPhone, iPad & Mac. Coming on Apple Watch in January 2021. Special thanks to @kevin for being so helpful & hunting us in such a short time. :) Bonus: As a launch 🎁 offer, we are giving a lifetime purchase option only for the first 1000 users or till 15th Jan 2021 (whichever comes first).
Kate Makulova
Looks great! Congrats on the launch, will check it out now
Akshit Banta
@katemakulova you'll love it, Kate :)
Juan Sarmiento
If there is something better than writing, it's doing it in such a clean and good looking place as this app is. Looks great! Good job guys, and congrats on your launch!
Akshit Banta
@juanpablosarmi thank you so much for the appreciation Juan! ⭐️
Akshit Banta
@juanpablosarmi I'm personally a fan on Iconshock myself. Been using it for years!
Joey Harris
@ashkitbanta I’m not sure what I did wrong but it still didn’t show on my phone...I won’t be able to check on the Mac until a little later
Akshit Banta
@aeronic opting for premium trial is the reason for it not showing up on your phone. It will comes back once your trial period (7 days, I think) is over. But that's not the optimal solution, let me find another way and get back to you.
Akshit Banta
@aeronic Hi Joey, I've found a solution. Please send a message on twitter @SpacesDo if you want it now. Or you can wait for 7 days.
Lisa Richardson
Kudos for launching the product
Akshit Banta
@lisarichardson9 thank you, Lisa! :)
Caelin Sutch
Love the simplicity, reminds me of Ulysesses on Mac. Congrats on the launch!
Akshit Banta
@caelin_sutch thanks Caelin! It does give Ulysses vibe, some people say it reminds them of iAwriter, some say Bear :)
Anna Filou
@caelin_sutch @akshitbanta speaking of Bear, how does Spaces differ? I haven’t tried Spaces (yet) but I’ve been using Bear for a while and it looks very similar.
Spians Labs
Nice looking UI!
Akshit Banta
@spians_labs thank you so much! :)
Joey Harris
Great design and very thoughtful features. I particularly liked that the developers focused (no pun intended!) primarily on the writing experience in their design. Great tool for writers. Perfect for taking notes on the fly.
Akshit Banta
@aeronic thanks again Joey! 💛 The update coming on 28th on iOS is even more cleaner than the current one! :)
Mihhail Lapushkin
Great addition to the distraction-free editor universe! 👍 Reminds me mostly of Bear. "Analysed over 25 top writing apps to pick the most essential features of them all." Leaving here for inspiration as well. 😉
Akshit Banta
@mihhail_lapushkin haha thanks! Will analyse yours too :)
Sachin G Kulkarni
What about Android ? Not supported ?
Akshit Banta
@sachingk sorry not supported. It's built natively with Swift. If there's enough demand, maybe in the future :)
Amogh Banta
I’ve been a long time beta user, great to finally see this on Product Hunt. They have fixed each and every issue I reported and have incorporated almost all the features I requested (few added to their timeline). Kudos to them!
Akshit Banta
@amoghbanta Thanks brother. You'll always be our first beta tester.
Andrew B. Martin
"Analysed over 25 top writing apps to pick the most essential features of them all." - this would make a fantastic blog post
Akshit Banta
@andrew_b_martin that's actually a great idea, will definitely write it
Max Prilutskiy
Hey, this one looks nice! 👍
Akshit Banta
@prilutskiy thanks Max! ⭐️
Divyani Singh
Great Idea and phenomenal effort.
Any plans to have it in android
Akshit Banta
@1shubhkarman web app first. Android, if there's demand. No plans right now.
Jeff Man
Simple, yet effective note taking app...I like it ✅
Akshit Banta
@lucky_jeffman thanks a lot Jeff! :) 💛
Andrew B. Martin
Congrats on the launch guys!
Akshit Banta
@andrew_b_martin thanks a lot Andrew! :)
Stowe Boyd
My questions were never answered. I'll add one: I'd like to be able to easily search for open tasks. "- [ ]" works, but is clunky
Ruchiz Zeenal
It looks amazing. Is it also available for Android?