Hey, Soylent. Nice to see you here today. We made a Glitter card for you: https://glitter.club/d2k9evkY/
Send a note to hi@glitter.club if you’d like to take over this card and account. Hope you like it.
@omri_aloni Call me forward looking, but I love seeing folks try new things. Not sure if Soylent is right for me, but maybe it fits a lot of other folks. Kudos to Soylent for taking such a huge swing.
@davegandy Dave - I am all for innovation, and being immersed in the startup world myself, I thrive and gravitate towards innovation, just like all of us here.
I'd just rather see these types of products be marketed towards solving pressing world issues like 3rd world hunger, and not marketed towards the silicon valley techie who makes upwards of $100K/year but 'doesn't have time to eat' because he either works at a company where social gathering/work-life balance is totally jacked (an entire different issue that needs to be addressed), or he's too lazy to get up 30 minutes earlier and eat a wholesome breakfast composed of whole foods.
That's my opinion, anyways. If you're drinking this stuff as a one-off because you had a crazy day and didn't manage to get whatever meal in - I get that. If this is something that's part of your daily schedule because of either a) your workplace doesn't respect work-life balance, or b) you're too lazy - then those are, in my opinion, two bigger issues that need to be addressed.
I still haven't tried Soylent but I'm certainly not the target customer. I love food and there are many healthy things I love that require little prep, too (like greek yogurt). That said, Soylent has an almost cult-like following and although niche today, I can see the potential. Here's the nutritional TL;DR:
Soylent's shipping 2.0 this October.
@rrhoover agreed - definitely not a target customer (I did order 1 shipment though), great product with a cult-like following for sure, but I just love eating food and visiting cool restaurants too much
I am slowly finishing up my Soylent 1.5 order and this 2.0 release sounds like an amazing improvement. I don't always have the time to prepare Soylent in the morning and sometimes a quick run at the corner sandwich shop is less hassle than drinking Soylent. Not anymore apparently. I am really happy that this is another vegan release, because I would have to stop buying if they ever went back to non-vegan ingredients.
Would be curious if they had sample 2.0 tastings. Its an interesting concept, but if you're going to replace all your food with one drink, it should taste good! I've heard mixed things about the first versions taste.
For those who may not have realized, Soylent is also now available in Canada and has been for about 2 months. Anyone in Canada received an order yet or tried it?
@daniellevine I have and I love it! I've been on Soylent for 2 months. I use it to replace my lunches. I'm an active male 23, and I mix it with my chocolate protein powder which gives it a pretty good taste. I highly recommend getting a blend bottle and chilling before consuming.
I have Soylent every other day basically for breakfast, and sometimes lunch. It's a huge time saver and healthier than the alternative which is usually me not eating. I feel healthier and more energetic as well. Big fan, instant pre-order.
2.0? Aww... I had my first ones ordered last week! Does this mean I may have the 2.0? I did a unboxing and first taste impressions on it, check it out here: glad to see ya'll on here, keep it up!
I remember when Soylent launched I really loved the throwback name and the overall idea... but I'm not sure.
I tend to work off of a daily intake of 1.5g protein per lb of lean body mass.. that puts me at about a 240g daily consumption of protein. That's probably a lot higher than most people would need, but still, each one of these drinks has only 20g protein.
So obviously if this is designed to be a meal replacement drink, then they're basing their daily macro requirements off of something completely different - which is fine, but it'd be cool if there was a bit more info on the actual Soylent site.
That said, this site is clearly targeted to people who are already onboard with Soylent, and who already know the math behind the daily macronutrient calculations, so I would imagine this is why that info isn't on the site.
Personally I would be interested in seeing a non-soy version (despite the name), perhaps with a whey-based protein or even another vegetable-based protein. I think it could exist in tandem with the original formula quite easily. (Interestingly their powdered version uses brown rice protein)
I just pre-ordered a subscription of 24 bottles / month. I like food, but I'm terrible about making breakfast or cooking for just myself in general. Drinking one of these for breakfast most mornings might actually be one of the healthier things I've done for myself in a while.
I find the Soylent idea fascinating. It's much more than a meal replacement - it's an entire philosophy.
Consider this exceptional statement from the founder -
"The future of food is not the return to an agrarian society but the transcendence of it. In time Soylent will be synthesized directly from light, water, and air with designer microorganisms. Genetic engineering to enhance our microbiome, and eventually ourselves. I don’t know who was the first farmer, but I want to be the last. We will make food so cheap only the rich will cook."
I personally find this way of thinking fascinating.
As for actually trying it out, I'm waiting for the promised "people" version to come out - I'm guessing they're saving it for 3.0 ;)
Looks great. Curious on the makeup of the bottles/recyclability. Its a great solve for the time/food/human issue but would be a shame if it contributed to the too many plastic bottles issue.
It says highly recyclable however, would love to know the details. Will order some.
I really like eating with company and vegetation, so Soylent is not for me... although a pre-mixed, open and drink option could make sense for once-in-a-blue-moon meal replacements. I tried Soylent once, and I did not like the taste.
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