Pranay Srinivasan

Sourceeasy - Full stack apparel manufacturing


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Matt Alexander
When will Sourceeasy be launching publicly? I've been looking for a service in this arena (i.e., for an immediate project), but hadn't found anything compelling yet.
Pranay Srinivasan
@mattalexand Hey Matt, SOURCEEASY is now live!
Nikhil Kalghatgi
nice work, pranay!
Pranay Srinivasan
@nikhilkal Thanks Nikhil!
Pranay Srinivasan
Hey All, sourceeasy is now live!! Our brand new platform allows you to build your order with the designs you want! Pre-built templates help guide you. Please ping me if you have any questions!
Misbah Ashraf
Awesome product. Brilliant team.
Cynthia Schames
Congrats on the launch! So excited!
Tiago Dalvi
Brilliant! Are you guys shipping overseas already?
Tiago Dalvi
Brilliant! Are you guys shipping overseas already?
Pranay Srinivasan
@dalvitiago Yes We are! Worldwide :)
Pranay Srinivasan
Hey Matt, We launch in public Beta mid next week.
Pranay Srinivasan
@mattalexand absolutely!
Pranay Srinivasan
Hey Matt, But we're executing orders now - our fulfillment team is operational.
Mike Pollack
These guys are awesome!
Pranay Srinivasan
Thanks Mike!
Pranay Srinivasan
Happy to answer any questions. If you need custom apparel urgently, do ping us - we do all Basic and Fashion Clothing.
Pranay Srinivasan
@imkialikethecar hey sure hit me up at pranay at sourceeasy dot com
Subodh Kolhe
Amazing team!
Pranay Srinivasan
Thanks for the upvotes guys!! Sourceeasy is looking for a great Product Manager and a UI / UX Designer - If you know anyone please ping me! - located in Bay Area!