Harry Ng

Sorted³ for Mac - One place to hyper-schedule your entire day

Sorted³ combines your tasks, calendar events and notes into a unified timeline so you can hyper-schedule your entire day in one place.
We're ecstatic that over a million users have downloaded Sorted³ since its launch. Now, doing even more with the Mac App.

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Leo Tumwattana
Hi Product Hunters, We're excited and immensely proud to share that Sorted³ is now available on macOS! It's been a long time coming, and we’re so ecstatic to finally have Sorted³ available on the Mac App Store. I’m also excited to announce another milestone: We've just surpassed 1 million downloads on the App Store since Sorted was born. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all our super supportive users around the world for giving us invaluable feedback and encouragement throughout this project. On that note, I’d also like to thank each member of our team, new and old, for pooling together from across the world to make this launch possible. Kudos. With this launch, we've finally filled the Apple ecosystem. We now look forward to the future to work on our next milestone to help even more people achieve more focus and less stress through hyper-scheduling. ✅ Why we've built it Since the early days, we considered the Mac App to be an essential component of the overall Sorted experience. This started with building a native Mac App back in 2016 (to complement the very first version of Sorted). After launching Sorted³, we shifted our focus back to a native Mac experience, before learning about iPad Apps for Mac (with code name Mac Catalyst) at WWDC 2019. The following October, we decided to develop Sorted³ using Mac Catalyst as a more viable and long-term solution. Then Apple announced Optimized for Mac on Big Sur and we went all in. So, in short, Sorted³ for macOS is Optimized for Big Sur, sports native Apple Silicon and of course macOS Big Sur widgets. 💻 Benefits Sorted³ for Mac includes all the benefits and features of the iOS version: - Integrate tasks, calendar events and notes into a unified timeline - Effortlessly schedule your day using Auto Schedule based on how much time you have available - As plans change during the day, use *Magic Select* and Time Ruler to shift things around We've also introduced *Auto Backup* to add an extra layer of safety and peace of mind for our users. This gives you the ability to go back in time and restore previous versions of items that you may have accidentally deleted.
Harry Ng
We're excited to release the Mac App. This has been in the works for a while. We've gone through 3 product iterations to get to where we are today. I hope you enjoy using Sorted³ across the Apple ecosystem. Please leave us a comment or product review. We'd love to hear what you think and see how you will use them together. P.S. The first 10 people to leave us a comment will receive a promo code to get Sorted³ PRO on Mac. We'll send you a message after the launch day. Harry
Harry Ng
@harryworld @tamtungsg Sounds good. Appreciate if you can start a new comment
Minh Tâm
@harryworld Thanks for your prompt reply. I did use the Pomodone app for my daily life. I just want to try something new like your app did. Thanks
Harry Ng
@harryworld @sunnyheart We're happy to develop those features too, especially iOS 14 widgets. They're very fun to implement.
Harry Ng
@harryworld @dipankar_jyoti_dutta Thanks for your support!
Jimmy Cerone
I'm fascinated by this, but also curious about the qualitative consequences. is living like this stressful??
Harry Ng
@jimmy_cerone Thanks for the comment. In my personal opinion, trying out tons of apps without sticking on one was more stressful.
Jimmy Cerone
@jimmy_cerone @harryworld I see! So by building it all into one you decrease the switching costs. I've definitely experienced that stress - great point!
Harry Ng
@jimmy_cerone @harryworld All-in-one resolves one part of the puzzle "Unified". Another struggle was how to effectively execute the tasks. Most of the existing solutions were list-based where it helps to braindump items and organize them into lists, but they were lacking the way to help you move on. After years of experiments, we found out what is important is the "Scheduling" part. We write about the story in our blog sortedapp.com/blog
Jimmy Cerone
@jimmy_cerone @harryworld I'll check that out! Thanks for sharing - I love how your thoughts have evolved on the topic. What was the first problem you tried to solve, the unified part or the to do organization part?
Harry Ng
@jimmy_cerone @harryworld The chronlogical order came as 1) Scheduling 2) Effortless 3) Unified 4) Flexible In fact, we're only about half of our vision. More to come.
Stephen Parker
nice one harry & leo, been waiting for this for a while
Leo Tumwattana
@stevo Thanks. It took a while as we practically rewrote it 4 times. Thank you for being patient with us. We wanted to get something out that we are proud to use ourselves.
Harry Ng
@stevo Hey Stephen, thanks for your support! How're you doing lately?
Stephen Parker
@harryworld good thanks buddy, leaving HK next week so have been making a lot of use of the app on iOS as I had tonnes to do :)
Harry Ng
@harryworld @stevo good to know you're doing great. Where is your next destination?
Stephen Parker
@harryworld @stevo back to the UK at least for the next year or two! Maybe ill be back in HK before too long if I get sick of the weather
Ray Zhao
Having been using sorted3 iOS app and MacOS beta for a long while. It's a good combine of calendar and todo list. I like the auto schedule very much. It's really an awesome tool for me to manage my work and life!
Harry Ng
@ninjiacoder You have nailed it. We think that brining calendar and todo list is so important so you won't miss a thing easily. Auto Schedule also makes it super easy to flexibly plan & adjust throughout your day.
Leo Tumwattana
@ninjiacoder Glad we are able to contribute and help a little your work and life. Thanks for letting us know! It helps drives us forward.
Leo Tumwattana
@0asa Nice. Love your job title. How can I become a Director of Awesome as well?
Leo Tumwattana
@0asa I am? Thanks. That just made my day. 💪
@0asa @iamkulio Do you know what would make my day? A promo code ;-) !
David Zhou
The combination of these aspects is a much needed niche, context switching throughout the day can be both tiresome and annoying after a certain time, looking forward to testing the product out!
Leo Tumwattana
@david_zhou3 Thanks David. Exactly what we thought when we first built this for ourselves. Please do try it out and tell us what you think!
Aran Dollay
Been waiting for this beautiful program for ages!! The iOS version has greatly improved my lifestyle and alleviated lots of my daily stress! Cant wait to get my hands on the MacOS version of Sorted^3. I’ve been a day-1 user for about 2.5-3 years now!
Leo Tumwattana
@aran_dollay Wow. Thank you for your patience and support. We practically rewrote the Mac app about 4 times before this launch. Hope you like it!
Aran Dollay
@aran_dollay @iamkulio wow. Kudos to you and the team for your diligence and patience in improving all our lives, especially effective in mine. I’m a student so my life is chaotic atm and this really helps de-stress the lack of routine: auto-schedule is revolutionary. Is there any chance I could get a promo code? For the MacOS version?
Harry Ng
@aran_dollay @iamkulio We'll arrange some discounts for students, please stay tuned!
Ali Rashidy
The product is so cool and making it for one time payment is even cooler! any plans for Windows Software anytime soon?
Harry Ng
@alirashidy Thanks, most importantly it is free to use, pay to get PRO features. So everyone can use it and decide if they need the PRO features. We currently prioritize to work on web version first. Will consider and decide how to adapt to Windows platform later on.
Ali Rashidy
@alirashidy @harryworld I highly appreciate products makers that treat their users like USERS not CUSTOMERS, and I pay for these products just to say thanks to the maker in a way that really shows appreciation, keep respecting users, you're awesome ❤ Can't wait for the web app, windows software or anything, your product can replace a lot of similar products that doesn't offer the same cool experience and makes their customers pay monthly for it.
Harry Ng
@alirashidy @harryworld You're so kind. In fact, we treat our users as friends. On one side, we hope to bring something good to our friends. In the meantime, we rely on our friends as mirrors to let us know how we can improve. Of course, we still have priority. Thanks for understanding and we'll continue to do our best possible.
Tomer Marshall
I love Sorted, since in was Sorted 1, and it's just become better everyday since.
Leo Tumwattana
@tomer_marshall1 Thanks you for being with us since Sorted 1. With the Mac App finally out, we'll be looking into features that we've been dying to get to. I think you'll love what we have in store.
Harry Ng
@tomer_marshall1 Thanks for supporting us throughout this journey!
Andrew Brodsky
Just received the email today and cant wait to try it and get my life in order!
Harry Ng
@andrewjb44 Sure, check it out and let us know what you think
Harry Ng
@andrewjb44 @harryworld Nice. Did you get the Watch 6 this year?
Harry Ng
@harryworld @andrewjb44 I see, actually the watch since series 4 was already pretty good
Been on the lookout for the best productivity apps and for sorted. So glad for time blocking + autoscheduling! Thanks for this!
Harry Ng
@megase Thanks for your kind words. We don't want to be the typical time blocking app. Instead, we want to provide the "hyper-scheduled" approach so you can plan in more detail about your day, but at the same time still manage your day easily and flexibly.
@megase @harryworld I've tried the beta of the Mac and am actually still on the trial version for both iOS and Mac but loving the features so far, it's been doing wonders for my productivity. Definitely on my wishlist once I have the funds. I personally love that you can set a duration without a specific date, you can't do this on other apps. This plus the repeat option for routine work helps me get my promised number of hours in. The customizable formatting for the notes section is also amazing. All this plus not having to think about when to do my miscellaneous tasks...Thanks again for this!
Leo Tumwattana
@megase Very glad and happy that Sorted is helping you with your day. Thanks for letting us know. It makes our work on this so much more worth while.
Philipp Effenberger
This is a great tool, helps me get an overview of my tasks, helps me get them sorted (pun intended) into projects (that's what I use lists for) and categories/priorities (that's my use of tags). works like a charm, the auto-scheduling is beautiful and I can automatically add breaks in between my tasks (which as an entrepreneur I desperately need before jumping from one to the other project). Plus: this context switch became quite natural to me. by organizing projects in my lists I can quickly let go of things I don't work on ATM and recenter on the next project. in combination with a pomodoro technique approach (25min workiwork, 5min break, multiple iterations) this is what keeps my work focus and my mental focus on top level. got into it on ios, now I'm happy to finally leave the beta and go full-mode in macOS. Enjoy folks, it's a really handy tool!
Harry Ng
@ghostintheshell16 Glad that you like it so much. I also agree that "We're finally leaving the beta" :P Please keep your feedback coming and we're dedicated to make Sorted³ even better.
Keri Baker
I am soooo excited to just get this email announcing this!!! I heard about this app from the Asian Efficiency podcast and have been using it since. I use Sorted for so many things but mainly being able to realistically schedule my day is the best. I tend to make a to do list that is more than hours available. This app helps me to think ahead and plan my time out and then easily update the day if something changes my timeline. I would love to get a discount code and I will buy from my Mac right now!
Harry Ng
@techgirlpgh Thanks, AE podcast would be around 2 years now. Let me check if we can go there for another episode.
Shoreline of Infinity 🏖∞
Yup, I've tried the app in beta, and it's an app I can do business with to help me organize my tasks and time.
Harry Ng
@shoreinf Thanks for being a beta tester. Yes, this took us a while in developing the mac app, but we're finally here. Thanks for your support!
Leo Tumwattana
@shoreinf Thank you for trying Sorted³. Hope to help you stay sorted into the far future.
Craig Paterson
Looks awesome. I could do with a combined way to organise my whole day… looks like "Sorted³" might be the answer!
Reza Saeedi
@craigcpaterson Thanks Craig! We like having everything in one place too for easier scheduling! Enjoy, and let us know what you think about the app if you try it.
John Baker
I think I have tried every single productivity software platform there is, and I always end up going back to Sorted 3. The single most important function for me is to not only see tasks and events ordered by time through the day, but to be able to tick off both tasks AND events.
Harry Ng
@jn_baker Glad you are liking it what we offer. We will continue to do our best and make Sorted³ even better.
Leo Tumwattana
@jn_baker Haha. Glad you like the ability to check off events.
Marco Zagami
I really find much easier to plan my daily schedule thanks to it and I never forgot to do something again
Harry Ng
@marco_zagami I hope the "Unified" approach that Sorted³ offers will help you even more in the future!
Just tried it for a couple of minutes and I already see that it is going to be a game changer to my work flow
Leo Tumwattana
Looking forward to assist your workflow going forward!
Harry Ng
@emil_kis That's exciting to know. Please feel free to send us your feedback and I would be interested how you use Sorted³ across the platforms.
Lorenzo Corti
I've been using Sorted3 on iOS, can't wait to try out the macOS version :)
Harry Ng
@lori_lol Definitely. Let us know how you think.
Stas Moor
Looks like a really well made macOS app. So rare these days. Awesome job, guys! Congrats on the launch! 🎉 Can't wait to take my time to give it a go. 🚀
Leo Tumwattana
@moorstas Thank you. Do let us know what you think so we can see how to improve further!
Harry Ng
@moorstas Thanks for sharing to the awesome Mac developer community you curated too