Sorted³ - Schedule events, tasks, and notes
Sorted³ has been crafted to make scheduling quick and easy. Try it for a few days and it may very well become a productive, yet enjoyable part of your day.
Sorted³ has been crafted to make scheduling quick and easy. Try it for a few days and it may very well become a productive, yet enjoyable part of your day.
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Hustle Crew Academy
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Many task manager approaches are themselves a big 'task' to learn and use effectively. I've seen a lot of productivity gurus admit that they were more into the management of tasks using their tool of choice than they were into actually completing tasks. Sorted is different. It has a very specific mantra: schedule when a task should be completed to help ensure you get it done. Sorted even helps with this goal by showing you free spots in your daily calendar when you can put a task. You can then move tasks around or expand/compress how long you think they will take. Using this method, you set your priorities and then plow through your day with helpful reminders.
Sorted also has some very useful advanced features: A single task can have a checklist of sub-items (great for a quick grocery list). Tasks can have notes with styled text (headers, etc.). Tasks can be arranged into lists, list sub-categories, and marked with tags (these features are great for organizing and using Sorted for larger projects). There's even an "Auto Schedule" option which will look at your open tasks and place them in available slots throughout the day.
Whether you are looking for your first task manager because you have been struggling with the simplicity of Apple Reminders or if you feel that your current 3rd party task manager is just not working for you, try using Sorted 3 for two weeks. Since switching to Sorted months ago, my productivity has greatly improved. I don't think I would be as successful with any other tool. Version 3 takes this to an even higher level, and the devs are committed to continued releases and features.
Last note: Sorted 2 had both an iOS app and a Mac app. Sorted 3 is starting out as iOS only but the new version will also be coming to the Mac. This allows you to maximize your efficiency by getting reminders and managing your tasks on multiple devices.
Pros:Task management that doesn't get in the way. A simple but powerful interface that lets you add, rearrange, or mark your tasks complete.
Cons:If you've used Sorted 2, Sorted 3 is very similar but may take some time to get used to the new features. Be sure to use the in-app Guides.
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Beautiful UI. Very good app.
Pros:Very good app. I am using it since several months and my business routine has changed for good. Highly recommend it!
Cons:gestures are a bit complex so dedicate a bit more time for testing in order to see the real usefullness of the app! you will not regret it
Sorted for iOS
Tool Finder - Find Productivity Tools
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS
Gotta love it! Try it to believe!
Pros:Amazing, what I was looking for!!
Cons:Can't wait for every update!
Sorted for iOS
Sorted is a delightful and fresh take on the old productivity song we're all singing in some way or another. The idea is to tightly integrate calendar events and task management. Thereby calendar events gain some task-like features, they can be checked off and removed from the remaining schedule. Tasks also gain some calendar features: they are integrated part of the calendar view once a completion date and time is set.
All in all I really enjoy using the app, maybe due to the other unique features Sorted packs.
- Markdown-like entry of subtasks and other notes
- ingenious rearrangement of tasks from projects into new projects or existing ones
I am really curious where the journey will go!
Pros:calendar + tasks, new and fresh UI interactions
Cons:limited planning depth
Sorted for iOS
Sorted for iOS