Shantanu Goenka

SOON - Offline-first dating

SOON is a free, members-only dating app in the Bay Area.The SOON experience is about getting intentional. Rather than the standard yet uninspiring greeting of “hey, how are you?” a first message on SOON is a bespoke invitation to meet up for a low-stakes date.

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Shantanu Goenka
Good morning PH! :) SOON is a free, members-only dating app in the Bay Area. They're keeping their community tight as they roll out, so you'll have to request access. All requests are placed in a queue & reviewed continually. It's worth the wait. SOON is available on iOS and there's a waitlist for Android (but who cares about the green bubble folks, amirite). Would love to hear your what your thoughts on SOON are! Feel free to drop a comment below :)
Karan Goenka
SOON's intentional approach to dating is 👌! Excited to see how it spices up the Bay Area dating scene.
I read a stat somewhere 95% of couples met offline first, looks like the perfect bridge between online and offline
Jorge Casals
Awesome! Congrats on the launch
Kathleen Smith
Well done! How do you ensure consistency in your creation's responses across platforms?
Hina Shehzad
Nishant Modi
Looks great! Free?? What is your business model.
Anna Filou
This is what dating apps should have been like from the very beginning! Why only in the Bay Area though? This could be huge in all countries.