Joe Snell

Sony Digital Paper - Reinventing paper. Sony's e-ink tablet.


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Jerre Baumeister
Cool, but why would you buy this if you can get an iPad Pro for less?
Markus Gerke
@jerrebm "[…] battery life of up to 3 weeks" That's why. ;) I guess it's great f.e. for teacher and a fluent replacement for analog stuff.
Charles CH Mandel
@jerrebm maybe to increase the user base and boost the market of this product; so that it will, in turn, push forward the development of future products using this R&D as a base. I've been waiting for years now for electronic paper to take our need for paper to the lowest as possible. Trying to save what's left of our forests seems a decent goal and reducing paper consumption is one of the most credible ways to get there IMHO. Kudos to Sony for trying again and again in this domain.
Mark Kiner
@ch_mandel @jerrebm Definitely, if nothing else it will push more R&D into this field and hopefully halt or at least slowdown deforestation. A lot of really cool tech out there trying to solve environmental issues nowadays, it's quite inspiring.
@ch_mandel I would think producing paper is 'greener' than producing this and similar products. At least to get more paper we have to plant more trees.
Mathieu Gosselin
@jerrebm So you can use it on the beach! Outside and all. And not have to charge it everytime. But I'd agree for the price between it and an iPad Pro I dunno...
Marlon Wayne
This looks awesome! Kind of like reviving the boogie board!
Marlon Wayne
@eonpilot looks like the boogie board has departed largely from where it started, but it used to be more similar to what Sony just released...albeit shittier
@eonpilot @m_rlons He's referring to another similar product, not the outdoor sporting activity.
André J
@xtoq @m_rlons Ahh. Seems like this space is getting crowded: Even a company from my home-country Norway has a eInk-Tablet: This one is 55ms refresh-rate. The new IPad pro is 20ms. Smaller is better. I guess there is a reason they always draw slow in these promo vids 🔑
Noah Kim
@m_rlons when did the boogie board die? My kid uses it every day !
Andreas Duess
What's better than paper? Nothing, in my opinion. I am the typical early adopter and I think I must have tried most of the paper alternatives out there, from iPad apps to digital notebooks. Nothing, for me, beats a large black notebook, where I can staple stuff to pages, flip through pages, see progress across pages and have a tool at my disposal that needs no batteries, is cheap to buy, works on planes and doesn't rely on cloud storage for its usefulness.
Julien Bek
What is the display latency on e-ink with this product?
André J
@julienbek Why must you speak of this and ruin everything?
Tony Brix
"...share them to the cloud and beyond" Just curious, what is beyond the cloud?
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@tonybrix I reckon they are implying you can thrown it at someone across the room, or the neighbourhood, like a boomerang..
Johny Miric
Looks good, but way too expensive. I believe these kind of gadgets will soon be under 100$.
Joe Snell
@johnyqi We're definitely in the expensive, low-volume part of this type of products life cycle.
Joe Ringenberg
@johnyqi Agreed. We won't get there unless companies like Sony keep investing and experimenting, not just in the tech but in bringing a (somewhat?) viable product to market. Too expensive for me too, but I'm glad it exists.
I love the concept, but is this really "the reading and writing tool of the 21st century"? At its pricepoint I doubt it finds a solid place in the market.
Sayonsom Chanda
Though I am tempted, I wouldn't buy this one for 699$.
Tomas Williams
The only supported media format seems to be PDF. No epub or other ebook formats?
Sabri Helal
The quality of Sony's products is unquestionable but they've always had problems with marketing and pricing them. 700$ for this? C'mon Son...y.
Willie Morris
I love the prospect of a digital paper tablet, but the cost right now makes it so out of reach. I'd expect to pay about half of what I'd pay for an ipad. Right now, iPad or Surface / Surface Pro seems like it makes more sense, plus I'd bet the pen latency on the Sony is a lot worse than the other 2 options given it's e-ink.
Félipé Upperlife
Pretty expensive paper tho
Wojtek Czekalski
I'm still waiting for a hybrid LCD/e-ink screen in the iPad. Apple even patented it:
Graham Seymour
This is how it works, right? Expensive cutting edge tech floated out there to gauge user feedback and interest, and then if it performs even remotely well, then we see the cost gradually drop/various tiers/models released. Kudos to Sony for doing something different. For me, though? A smartpen with data capture built in + my Moleskin are great, or my Surfacebook, and my Kindle Oasis for reading. I'm all about the device consolidation, and if I'm to carry another battery-powered piece of kit, it has to be truly integral to my process. Let's see how this does - it's a damn pretty piece of kit, I'll say!
James Welch
damn, more early adopter tax i'll be paying out then...brilliant...but this kind of thing will be < $150 in 2/3 years time. still, i have to have one now! :)
So cool
Amokrane Tamine
Great improvement compared to the V1
Want one
Gabriel Cartier
Not a bad idea, the price point is kind of a downer. Why force an application to sink? There are tons of cloud solutions that could probably be much more suited for storing your notes.