Giuliano Iacobelli

SOLO - Get paid anywhere with cards, using a personal link.


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Matthew Howells-Barby
This looks great. How does it differ from the likes of Stripe?
Giuliano Iacobelli
@matthewbarby not much right now, they're just focused on a different market as Square Cashtags is not available in EU yet.
Edoardo G. Raimondi
@matthewbarby SOLO accepts also credit cards while SCT is debit card only. Thanks for your interest!
Jack Smith
this looks identical to Square Cashtags; how is this different, is it just the European version?
Giuliano Iacobelli
@_jacksmith yep that's how they started. I don't know much about their broader vision but looks like they're doing a good job building an EU-based Cashtag.
Edoardo G. Raimondi
@giuliano84 said it right, but let me add SOLO also accepts credit cards @_jacksmith
Max Ciociola
@giuliano84 you work for them ?
Orlando TM Merone
Thanks @giuliano84! Hi @_jacksmith, we'd love to get your feedback. :)
Orlando TM Merone
Hey Hunters (thanks Giuliano)! SOLO is a platform that allows any (€) european merchant to accept credit and debit card payments without having to swipe the card through a physical device. The merchant shares his public and customizable profile with the customer, who can easily pay from any device. NO app and NO hardware are required, NO fixed costs and NO monthly fees. Only a small fee for each transaction. Choose your username, share your personal link with your payers and get paid in a snap ( (Eg. We'd love to have your feedbacks on any aspect of the product!
Matty Mariansky
@orlandotm What countries are support right now?
Leo Di Donato
Hi @mmariansky currently we can accept payments from cards issued in 23 SEPA countries: AUT, BEL, CYP, DEU, ESP, EST, FIN, FRA, GRC, IRL, ITA, LUX, LVA, MLT, NLD, PRT, SVN, SVK, AND, MCO, SMR, VAT, LTU. The merchants can be of any of these 23 countries. We are getting ready to open soon also in the following countries: BGR, CHE, CZE, DNK, GBR, HRV, HUN, ISL, LIE, NOR, POL, ROM, SWE.
Matty Mariansky
@leodido How about ISR [Israel]?
Leo Di Donato
@mmariansky Great idea. We are constantly looking for new opportunities .. Regarding ISR, any suggested partner to talk with? Thanks.
Matty Mariansky
@leodido What type of a partner you're looking for? Email me, I'll try to introduce you
Tobia De Angelis
Great product and great founders. Truly passionate about the problem they are solving.
David Bedussa
So Happy to see another Italian company doing very well!
Orlando TM Merone
Thanks @ilbedussa! We'd love to get your feedback :)
Like Bitcoins - but - with a commission
Manuel Frigerio
Hey guys, thumbs up for the product (was actually thinking to create identical last week). Feedback: hire a good UI Designer, the form to pay is everything but accessible ;)
Orlando TM Merone
@mnlfrgr thanks for your feedback. What would you suggest? :)
Orlando TM Merone
@mnlfrgr thanks for your feedback. What would you suggest? :)
Manuel Frigerio
@orlandotm @mnlfrgr No need to reinvent the wheel- Just good UX/UI principles. This is a good starting point =>, also this one => My 2p: - more contrast between the form & the background - better icons (more helpful) - much clearer call-to-action These are my 2p, overall good job guys, ciao!
Don Fontijn
Awesome product. Do you have a merchant-side demo somewhere? When are you coming to the Dutch market (NLD)?
Edoardo G. Raimondi
Hi @donfontijn we are already available there :) we are looking for a local partner to start our merchant acquisition. Any interest? Feel free to contact us
Edoardo G. Raimondi
Hi @donfontijn we are already available there :) we are looking for a local partner to start our merchant acquisition. Any interest? Feel free to contact us
In the UK we got this thing called PAY-M its pretty convenient all you need is the phone number of the recipient so I understand how this can turn out to be useful in EU :)
@edorai is it available in the UK? Tried signing up but while it lets you select UK as citizen it's not on the country list.