Hi Hunters, it feels great being here today!
SocialWall.me is the perfect tool for brands to boost social interaction. It has been released just a few months ago in Paris, and we are now proud to work with really cool customers like Google, TedX, Heineken and many others.
Today is a BIG day as we are releasing our new feature: it will now be possible to retrieve all the messages from a Slack #channel and to display them on big screens in your office, TV screens or even mobiles!
After choosing one of our cool templates, you’ll be able to keep everyone abreast of the latest goings-on in your company. You can also use it to deliver important announcements directly to your team!
Finally, you’ll be able to moderate your wall and export all the analytics related to your channel (number of posts, top posters / users / emojis, etc...) through your dashboard.
As Hunters ourselves, we would like to offer the community a 15-day free trial. Try out the new Slack functionality combined with our social wall. We would love to hear your feedback. Enjoy!
Ps: the Pied Piper team is already on SocialWall.me ;) => http://socialwall.me/live/pied-p...
@enzo_avigo Thanks Enzo! As Paul Gillin once said, “transparency may be the most disruptive and far-reaching innovation to come out of social media.” ;)
@gregory_costa thank you so much Gregory, great to hear it! FYI we worked a lot on the design to provide the best experience in sharing messages within your Slack team ;)