Jacqueline von Tesmar

SocialRank Market Intelligence for Twitter - Enter any handle. Sort & filter their followers. Try @pmarca

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Alexander Taub
Hey everyone, Alex here, the co-founder of SocialRank. Market Intel is everything SocialRank already does, organizing your Twitter followers and allowing you to filter them by location, interests, engagement, and influence. Except now you can do that with any public Twitter account (not just your own). Want to see Coca-Cola’s, eBay’s, or your competitor’s followers? That’s what Market Intel lets you do. Market Intel isn’t free, but we’ve made @pmarca the one account anyone can come in and play with without paying. Of course, regular SocialRank (logging in with any handle you own) will remain free. I’m happy to chat with anyone here or via email (Alex@SocialRank.com).
Really great product from the guys at Social Rank.
Alexander Taub
@cvbonello Thanks for the love.
Mike Smith
Social Rank is onto something big. I've recommended it to atleast a dozen clients and friends. This is especially valuable for the emerging sector of "influencers" aka people with huge followings on SM. I've always been surprised that twitter didn't natively include this. Huge gap filled
arteen arabshahi
I've seen SocialRank in action and it's pretty cool the type of intel you can get out of it.. ever wonder which followers you have in common with The Biebz? Now you know.
Matt Van Horn
Congrats on the launch! Great product
Alexander Taub
@mvanhorn Thanks Matt!
Ryan Hoover
Location search is 🔑. Useful way to find friends/followers on Twitter to invite to an event in a specific city. I'm using this now. cc @suzywillow