Social media analytics and benchmarking tool
Teo Lozan

Social Media Content Study — 101,421,493 posts show top content on social media platforms

Socialinsider shook hands Planable in order to create an outline of the most engaging post and post caption on each one of these three platforms, after looking at over 101 million posts from 178,463 profiles across all platforms.
Teo Lozan
Many brands have the inclination of posting the same message on all social media platforms. While this may be the simplest option, it isn’t really the best strategy. In reality, each platform is a different medium and should be treated as such. This is where this research comes in. The individually of each platform is shown by what goes into the perfect post - meaning posts with the highest engagement rates - on each medium. Having this post outline can help marketers get better results out of their efforts. We analyzed the actual engagement power of each platform, the impact of different lengths of the captions, the use of emojis, the effects of asking questions, the impact of different post messages and even how special activations such as Christmas posts impact your analytics KPIs. Here are some of the insights you’ll find in the study: 📸 Instagram is by far the most engaging platform. 💌 Brands post much often on Twitter than on Instagram or Facebook. 🖋 Messages in captions: Posts about contests and giveaways perform exceptionally well across all 3 platforms. 😍 Using emojis in the caption leads to higher engagement rates per post. ✍️ Perfect posts: Using over 20 emojis, writing short captions of under 10 words and posting albums/ carousels on Facebook and Instagram, but videos on Twitter results in higher engagement rates per post. Enjoy, and let me know what you think in comments.👇
Rebecca Haugh
I like the insights on 3 platforms. Why was LinkedIn left out? And what kind of profile did you include in this study?
Teo Lozan
@rebeccahaughvo We see LinkedIn as a different cathegory, mostly because its strong B2B nature. But wee are considering looking into it in the future. As for the profiles, we went for a broad pool, as wide as the database allowed: we looked at 101,421,493 posts from 178,463 profiles of different sizes, industries, across all platforms, from 2017 to 2019.
Maria Mirabela Ganta
Great insights! Thank you for sharing this study @lozanteo ❤️
Luciana Nitu
I'm so happy this study confirms emojis rule the content world! Thank you, @lozanteo <3