Social media analytics and benchmarking tool
Teo Lozan

Instagram Hashtag Study — 649,895 posts show where to put hashtags: caption or comment

There’s always been a lot of back and forth when it comes to the best practices of hashtags placement on Instagram: in the caption or in the first comment. And what about hidden hashtags?
The latest study shows how hashtags affect Instagram performance.
Maria Mirabela Ganta
Ever wondered where to place Instagram hashtags: caption or in the first comment? 🤔 This study will teach you how to use hashtags correctly and get more followers, engagement and reach! Great insights on Instagram hashtags ❤️
Adina Jipa
A report that deep-dives into how hashtags actually works on Instagram and ditch the rumours, hearsay, and wild guesses around hashtags placement: caption or comment.
Teo Lozan
How should you go about using your hashtags on your Instagram posts and campaigns? We partnered up with Quuu to find out. Reading this study, you'll discover: - How most brands use their Instagram hashtags to get followers - How many hashtags should brands use - If hiding hashtags in the caption or in the comment works Here are some of the findings: 📌 Brands place hashtags in the caption, but engagement is also affected by the number of hashtags and the size of your Instagram profile. 📌Posts with 27-30 hashtags do not bring peak engagement. 📌Profiles up to 100k followers have a better Reach Rate when using hashtags in the caption. 📌Profiles with more than 100k followers have a better Reach Rate when posting their hashtags in comments. Find out key insights that can strengthen your Instagram campaign strategies! Shout out to the wonderful @quuu team, @luciafontaina and @socialinsiderio team (@razvanvisan @maria_mirabela_ganta, @andrei_serbanoiu, @adinajipa)
Adina Jipa
@quuu @socialinsiderio @razvanvisan @maria_mirabela_ganta @andrei_serbanoiu @teolozan Happy to see this study live 💛 We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about this research on IG hashtags 👊
Andrei Serbanoiu
So happy the sleepless nights crunching the data were worth it :D
Interesting to find out that almost all brands put the hashtags in the caption. Great work, guys 👊
Van Chafin
Instagram Hashtag Study saved my time. There is a huge facility. Really amazing.
Roberts Barker
I really impress. I thing so ,I applied for my business.