Ria Blagburn

Facebook Chat for Websites - Talk to your customers using Facebook Messenger


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Yulian Ustiyanovych
looks like another version of https://www.modernapp.co/ ?
Saijo George
@yulian_ustiyanovych looks like they do a lot more and have paid options too. We just offer a way for site owners to use Facebook Messenger as a chat widget on websites and it's totally Free.
Yulian Ustiyanovych
@saijo_george so, you mean u will not charge at all? What is your business model than?
Saijo George
@yulian_ustiyanovych this was just a fun project for us. All it does is provided a wrapper for FB messenger, we have no plans to charge people to use that. A couple of line of code and anyone can do it, we just provided an easy way to generate the code. That is all.
Trell West
@saijo_george I use wordpress so there's not naturally a HTML file but instead various .php files, where do you suggest I place the widget code to test it out? Thanks!
Saijo George
@trellwest just add the code to a new widget and it should work fine
Stuart Russell
nice one @saijo_george i just added your FB messager it to my site www.shopubuy.com.au I like it :)
@sturusell @saijo_george -- looked good, but just a suggestion...it would be nice to see it on the right side of the website rather than the left bottom. Most of the customers will look at right bottom (may be you can try with the heat map for better widget placement) ..good luck :)
Saijo George
@ramkumarhq @sturusell Nice one Stuart. I agree with @ramkumarhq on the placement of the widget.
Matthew Boogaard
@sturusell @saijo_george Third that on widget location. On mobile it is covered by your sumome share buttons which then gets covered by the newsletter subscribe box. It makes the screen very busy on mobile. Just thought you might want the constructive feedback.
Nathan Gathright
Funnily enough, a few weeks ago I spent some time exploring different ways to do this. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there's a way to hold an actual conversation in a chat box on the actual page of the site. This service gets around that by opening a popup. If you'd prefer to make a different trade-off, then you can get an on-page chat box where the site visitor can only send 1 message. Here's the demo I made: https://nathangathright.github.i...
Saijo George
@nathang that is awesome.
Gijo Varghese
@nathang the demo isn't opening. Can you pls check it?
Nathan Gathright
@gijo_varghese Yeah, I noticed your version too. Nice trick with covering up the top of the FB Page plugin. I'd recommend adjusting your layout on mobile. Mine works similar to Intercom on mobile.
Derek Bytheway
I made this a long time ago at http://struck.io/messenger
Derek Bytheway
@manikarthik Of course! It all works by just including a 1.38 KB (minified) JS file and a 2.5 KB CSS file to your website. It comes with an icon template (PSD) where you can customize it with your own logo (iOS or Android version.) That's what I mean by 'lightweight.' Your browser only downloads a very small amount of data.
Saijo George
@derekbtw thanks Derek, will check it out soon.
Nick O'Neill
Couldn't you make this easier with a single line of code on your website? Right now the amount of code provided is 300+ lines of code. On the flip side, this is apparently a great way to generate some leads for Supple so maybe it's clever? Makes me consider making some similarly designed products vs the entire back-end system. From a marketing perspective, great job @saijo_george. Also there's a bug. The widget shows by default and then if it's not business hours it quickly becomes disabled. This presents a poor user experience. I'd suggest adding a `display:none;` by default in the jquery and then just calling `$(div).show()` if it's office hours. Not the opposite way around.
Saijo George
@allnick Hi Nick, I will pass the feedback to the team. Thanks for sending it through. The extra lines of code are in place to work out what time to show the widget on the site and switch it to an email OR show none when the site owner does not wish to engage visitors with a chat widget.
Nick O'Neill
@saijo_george well there are a number of ways to handle this. However you also synchronously load the associated libraries. There are a few ways to make this all more efficient. Granted it won't be noticeable to most people but it's a lot of code to inject when 99% of it can be consolidated into a single hosted script. Either way ... clearly it's a good marketing hack :)
Edwin Reynoso
@allnick @saijo_george Yes the code needs some work, 1 dropping the jQuery dependency would be awesome, but besides that you're querying the same thing over and over with the `jQuery` function instead of saving it to a variable (Every query should be saved via a variable) So yea with that awesome product, but I would not let this code run on my website as a developer, but I'm sure others won't really mind.
Ria Blagburn
I really like this tool from @saijo_george - it lets you add a Facebook Messenger chat widget to your site so you can talk to your customers on a platform they probably already use.
Alex Clever
That is a nice idea!
Saijo George
@axclever thanks Alex, but I don't think we are the only ones doing this
Krystian Cieślak
I just have implemented it at http://remarkableones.com. Thanks!
Jeffrey Wyman
@saijo_george another awesome tool. love your work :)
Ahmad Awais ⚡
So, all it does is it adds a link to your messenger?
Saijo George
@mrahmadawais it also gives you the option to fall back to email when you are not available for chat.
Haoyang Feng
How would you defend your product when Facebook inevitably attack this market eventually?
Saijo George
@haoyangnz it's a free tool. we will just can it when FB officially supports it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Cameron McGrane
@arceliocarrasco Did you execute on it?
Saijo George
Thanks for hunting us Ria 😁 Demo here: http://saijogeorge.com/projects.... (that is one of the offline option, you can also choose to show nothing during offline hours) Hi folks, replies will be a tad delayed since am on my way back home in an over crowded Melbourne train.
Alessio Delmonti
Testing it right now, the text "Message Us" has a very ugly font on my website.
Saijo George
@alexintosh can you shoot me an email with a screenshot saijo@supple.com.au
Saijo George
@alexintosh appreciate that mate. I will get the team to look at it soon. PS: it's @suplesolutions
Saijo George
@alexintosh @evaschafroth it should be fixed with the new version, please generate the new code from the site and use it on the site.
Vernon Ross
Awesome guys can't wait to use it. Love the onboarding process as well.
Saijo George
@rosspr thanks Vernon
Thank you, probably a demo on your site on how it actually looks like.
@saijo_george Upon adding the widget to my site, it disables any Twitter bootstrap modals from appearing.
Saijo George
@larry_lawal Hi larry can you shoot me an email saijo@supple.com.au with the link to the site, I will get the team to look at why that is happening.
@saijo_george @suplesolutions Ok, I sent a message. Any guess on how long it will take?
Saijo George
@larry_lawal @suplesolutions the new version will fix that issues, please grab the new code from the site.
Blaine Hatab
Blocked by adblocker just to let you know.
Saijo George
@blainehatab :(, thanks for letting me know. If you dont mind me asking what adblocker do you run.