@michaelhsc That's great to hear. It's a small thing, but to me perhaps the most valuable feature of the product the way it's presented on the landing page. It's what made me register.
I'm so in love with snip.ly that I wrote a blog post about why it's actually fair to the people who's content you're using. I make the case by numbers showing how this increases exposure and sharing for the owners of the original content. https://medium.com/@darshu/the-c... Also -- most gorgeous UI.
Just discovered Snip.ly and I am blown away by the brilliance of this idea. This may be the marketing tool of the year, IMHO.
Consider that, as a business with a specific market, our social media shares are usually very targeted to our followers. Now we can place a CTA on every article we tweet or post, whether it's Mashable, Entrepreneur, HuffPost or our own blog and podcast site.
Plus, we can assess the effectiveness with amazing analytics. Total win!
Buh-bye, Bit.ly... Hello Snip.ly!
Great UI, easy to use, great analytics, great idea, works fast...this is how you build something people!
I love sharing great content, but if I can also get a direct lead out of it at the same time. Why not?
My conversions are pretty low, but with a LTR of around $1K -- even one new lead is nothing to sneeze at and 1 > 0.
Have been using this for the past 3 years. Works like a charm. Love this tool. It feels so good to put pop ups on Techcrunch and other websites. Showed off my "pop up putting" skills also. Thanks a lot for coming up with such an idea.
I'm into it. Didn't get it at first, but watched the video and got excited.
Basically lets you "comment" on any webpage- but the comment actually looks slick. Think the applications are pretty broad.
This just blew my mind. It's so simple and elegant, and there are lots of interesting ways to use this. Definitely adding this to my toolbox. Awesome hunt @ugurkaner
Does anyone know how to make CTAs like they show on the landing page? (For example having the text "buy my book" link to your amazon page.) Is HTML ok? Entering a URL works (like with http://snip.ly/MTK/), but it would be amazing to be able to decide what the link says.
@kjemperud I signed up curious about this same thing, as the screen shots do show links with customizable anchor text, but I haven't found a way to do it yet.
@ugurkaner what a great use case! You used @sniply to promote @eatmentor. You were incentivized to share, and now we both benefit from the reach. Couldn't have described it better myself!
@andrewpyott@kjemperud the screen shots show an earlier version where you could customize the anchor text, but we kept it simple since it's a pretty new concept. Adding that feature back into the dashboard soon, keep you posted!
P.s. - Chrome Extension launching today that will integrate seamlessly with Buffer, Hootsuite, etc.
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