Ben Tossell

Video Trailer - Create a video from any web page

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Ripul Agarwal
Video. Videos videos videos, it’s all about videos these days. Thanks @bentossell for hunting us. Video trailer is a move of snipandshare team towards a chrome extension that can videofy any webpage in 2 minutes. Using just text, images and gifs. We wanted to let people express any content they want to share on social media through a video (whether it’s their product, job post, startup story, design portfolio or something funny). You can create a video trailer (upto 30s) of any webpage by just dragging relevant images, typing key text and natively sharing it to tw/fb or downloading mp4 for your own website. We have added great templates for people to get started with types of videos they want to output. I feel our product has a very strong story telling factor to it such as this startup landing page video created whilst in beta:
Another one for showing off your airbnb or other property:
Job Advert:
Media/portfolio show off:
All of this is created by just dragging pics/gifs and typing text using our awesome chrome extension right from that webpage. Do share your views on use cases and usability ease. We are here to learn and improve. This is in beta :)
Ed Rex
@ripulagarwal Absolutely love this - providing easy ways to create video is a great idea. Keen to partner if you're looking to add backing tracks (we're at
Ripul Agarwal
@edrex_ Funny you say that Ed. Audio is our missing piece for now so we'll love to talk!
Justin Lai
Thanks @bentossell for the hunt! I’m pumped to see us here today. We have spent months on this tech and it looks amazing. Video are time-consuming to create. We wanted to make the process super easy and keep it simple. Creativity is everything for those using VvideoTrailer. I dare you to imagine :) Here's one of my favourites:
Sarthak Moghe
The product looked interesting! Curious I checked your website, went to the Chrome Web Store, clicked +Add to Chrome, but then these "permissions request" stopped me! - Read and change all your data on the websites you visit - Read data that you copy and paste Just a feedback, I think many will be scared just like me
Ripul Agarwal
@sarthakmoghe thanks for this and yes it can be scary. We do show a message at the time of downloading our extension to reassure people that we don't use/change (or even access, we have strict policies internally) personal data of people. But this is the nature of google permissions for chrome extensions and is less in our hand. As a startup that's the last thing we'd want to do. Google shows such permissions as we need users to be able to easily copy/paste text into video frames. In actuality big chrome extensions (evernote etc..) have same permissions access but people trust a known brand more. I hope that helps?
Looks like this could be very useful. But I have a few concerns. @Ripulagarwal What is your stance on copyright? Are you going for the fair use angle? Because if you are using this tool for the intended purpose, then it is promotion for a website, which would count as commercial use.
Darrin Malone
Great concept. See a bunch of Marketing uses for it, particularly in e-commerce. Would love to see fonts, filters, audio options :)
scott penton
This could be interesting especially if there's even more video than ever in 2017
David Smooke
signup process not working :(
Ripul Agarwal
@davidsmooke hey david, what's wrong? works for us. we can fix it if you share info
Mikee Shattuck
kinda whack :(